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Six nanotechnologies to reduce carbon emissions

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jpak Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-15-07 10:28 AM
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Six nanotechnologies to reduce carbon emissions

With concern over climate change escalating around Europe, a new report highlights six nanotechnologies that can be used to reduce carbon emissions.

The six technologies, identified by the UK-based company Cientifica, are either available now or will be on the market within the next two years.

'All of the key applications are related to our enhanced control of materials at the nanoscale, whether lighter, stronger materials for transportation, better thermal insulators or more efficient ways of storing energy. The key players read like a Who's Who of global industry,' said Cientifica CEO Tim Harper.

Aerogels are the first technology to make it into the paper. On the market since 2003, aerogels are sometimes known as frozen smoke. They are the lightest substance that can be made, weighing just twice as much as air. They are created using nano-sized pockets of air entangled in silica.

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JohnWxy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-15-07 04:25 PM
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1. Very interesting stuff. Nanotechnology is going to produce some dramatic changes, in time.
Edited on Thu Mar-15-07 04:26 PM by JohnWxy
..some more form the article:

"The penultimate technology pinpointed by Cientifica is the supercapacitator. Capacitators use physical charge separation between two electrodes to store charge. They are being trialled in mobile phones and hybrid electric vehicles, but have wide ranging potential applications. Their lightweight, low-cost production of energy could replace lead acid or even lithium-ion batteries.

Finally, nanocomposite materials are expected to replace steel in some constructions. Nanocomposite materials are polymers to which another material has been added in order to change the properties of the bulk material. They contribute to the reduction of emissions by reducing the weight of vehicles, and thus cutting fuel consumption. Boeing intends to replace all of the outside of its 787 aircraft with composites, and 50% of all materials in the aircraft. The automotive industry is also replacing exterior parts with nanocomposites."

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