edit to add: This happens to be the plant that supplies our electric here where I live.
http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/article.aspx?articleID=070316_238_E1_hAEPP85858AEP-PSO picks Oologah site for new technology
By ROBERT EVATT World Staff Writer
American Electric Power announced Thursday that it will install cutting-edge carbon-capturing technology on two of its coal-fired generating plants, one of which will be its Northeastern Station at Oologah
A company official said that when the equipment is installed, the Oologah plant will be the first large-scale coal-burning power unit in the nation to incorporate technology that captures carbon dioxide emissions.
CO2 is the principal "greenhouse gas" that most scientists believe is causing global warming. While it is released during the burning of all fossil fuels, coal produces greater amounts because of its high carbon content.
The announcement came one day after a report by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said carbon-capture is technically possible but it has yet to be applied on a broad commercial scale.