THE Green Party has declined an invitation to join President Bush's St Patrick's Day celebrations at the White House in protest over the war in Iraq and US policy on climate change.
In a brief joint statement on behalf of the party's executive, Dr John Barry and Dr Peter Doran said: "Green Party colleagues in the US and across the world have been consistent in their opposition to President Bush's illegal war in Iraq. "Moreover, if the Green Party is to be true to its commitment to combat climate change, we must walk the walk.
"The party has decided that a two-day trip across the Atlantic to celebrate St Patrick's Day in the White House is not a compelling reason, morally or practically, for emitting half a tonne of carbon dioxide."
Dr Barry said the move was not a snub to the American people, but more about the lack of leadership shown by the Bush administration on global warming. "Our decision to decline this invitation should not be read as a criticism of the American people, but of the Bush administration," he said.