Action on warming could curb nightmare impactsBy Alister Doyle, Environment Correspondent
Monday, March 19, 2007; 9:54 AM
OSLO (Reuters) - Cuts in emissions of greenhouse gases can mute the
worst impacts of global warming, such as water shortages for billions
of people or extinction of almost half of Amazonian tree species, a
draft U.N. report shows.
The report, due for release on April 6, foresees ever worsening damage
to the planet as temperatures gain, including rising seas that could
swamp low-lying Pacific island states or declining crop yields that
could mean hunger for millions.
"The longer we go without action (to curb greenhouse gases) the more
likely it is that some of the big feedbacks will kick in," Richard Betts,
manager of the climate impacts research team at the British Met Office
and Hadley Center.
-snip-In the scenarios, the biggest temperature gain comes if the world stays
dependent on fossil fuels, with 70 percent of energy in 2100 from sources
such as coal and gas, and sharply raises greenhouse gas emissions.