Here's what R. Moore says after receiving tons of email responses similar to what was posted in this thread. These are two separate emails, one responding to the nonorthodox view and one to the orthodox view:
I got 35 responses to the Global Warming posting, which is I think a
new record. Many thanks for your contributions. Many were similar, so
I'll be posting representative examples. The consensus re/the science
was that the documentary was bogus. Some disagreed however, and they
raised other points that may turn out to be more important than the
science, as regards understanding what's going on politically. Those
will be covered in an accompanying posting.
To: Richard Moore <>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 14:34:17 -0700
Subject: Response to Swindled
Richard, why do you even lend credence to this crap by passing it
around? You should know better. The so-called "documentary" has been
debunked by the scientists interviewed as a piece of sensationalistic
crap over a week ago. <>Far from being a professional piece of investigative journalism, it
was a polemic that was one-sided, anti-educational, and misleading.
As Carl Wunsch said in his rebuttal, "it never occurred to me that I
was dealing with people who already had a reputation for distortion
and exaggeration."
There's hardly a factual piece of information in it, and those few
that are, such as "the sun drives weather systems", are taken so far
out of context as to be meaningless.
Are are you doing research on people's gullibility in believing
anything that allows them to cling to the fantasy that they can
continue consuming and polluting without disastrous consequences?
Or did you forget to take your red pill this week? :-)
For the Earth...
_dave_(this entire message is composed of recycled electrons)
Natural Systems Solutions lifestyles, organizations, and communities
Hi Dave,
Thanks for your comments. Your views are representative of the most
of the feedback I received. No, I wasn't testing people's
gullibility. The documentary SEEMED to make some very challenging
points, and I wanted to find out what other people thought of it. I'm
no expert on climate. I do not try to coddle people on this list by
protecting them from viewpoints. I assume everyone here can think for
themselves. I find the discussion and thinking that has evolved from
the posting to be valuable. And it is useful to track disinformation
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2007 06:03:45 +1200
From: "James Samuel" <>
Subject: Re: Is global warming a hoax?
Hi Richard,
Like many of the reports that deal with climate change issues, the
tendency to emotive language and a bias towards one or another
viewpoint is also prevalent in this film. There is a criticism, both
subtle and obvious, of people who question the logic of economic
growth, globalisation and capitalism. There is the use of simplistic
analogies, an approach which is criticized when used by those who
believe that human beings have a major impact on climate change.
It seems clear that the world has gone through major climatic cycles
in the past, and to argue for or against the influence of human
beings on this process seems more about an argument for or against
the status quo and further industrialisation of the world.
I sensed an intention in this film to suggest that human beings a
small insignificant peons who don't (or can't) influence change. This
is not a new form of propaganda, and it is one that works well for
those who know they are not powerless but who want to maintain the
status quo. At individual levels it is hard to see what effect we
have, but we are not only individuals, we are part of a whole, a
thing called the human family, which together makes huge changes.
Together we have cut down 40% of the Amazon rain forest, and this is
having profound effects on our weather/climate system. There are lots
of examples and most of you will be able to cite a few more.
After observing an initial reaction in myself, I was willing to open
up to the information. I watched it and have come to the conclusion
that there is some truth in it, and a lot of misinformation. If you
want further reading around this one, here are some links: Samuel
Hi James,
Thanks for the links. Here some additional ones that people sent in:
From: Larry Tesler <>
Subject: Re: Is global warming a hoax?
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 10:32:26 -0700
To: "Richard K. Moore" <>
Richard, it is true that warming causes CO2 to be released into the
atmosphere. One reason is that permafrost melts and organic material
therein decomposes and releases CO2, with a lag as those scientists
reported. But it also works the other way around. More greenhouse
gases (and CO2 is but one of them) cause warming.
These relationships are not simple, and they are imposed on natural
cycles that can be hard to sort out. But the overall effect of
burning fossil fuel and raising livestock (methane) the last two
centuries has been significant warming of the Polar regions with
recent acceleration to record temperatures.
Anyone who thinks that global warming is not a threat to the earth
should write their book while lounging on a yacht in the Arctic
Ocean, in waters that for several millennia have been ice.
From: "Tony Troughton-Smith" <>
To: "'Richard Moore'" <>
Subject: RE: Is global warming a hoax?
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2007 17:22:43 +0900
Yes, I've seen it, Richard. I believe those warning about the
potential impacts of climate change in fact mostly have very little
to gain from so doing - there is certainly no cashed-up lobby group
which might be interested in promoting a move AWAY from fossil fuels
&/or nuclear energy, whereas the converse is demonstrably true.
I'm surprised you don't see this for what it really is: another dirty
tricks campaign from the very mob who have been honing their
propaganda skills since the early days of the 20th Century or before
(as I seem to remember you touched on in Escaping the Matrix, but
can't now check as my five copies have all been passed on long
since). To imagine the bulk of the scientific community engaged in a
conspiracy to frighten the world for the sake of it (or even to
ensure their research grants are renewed) simply beggars belief -
mine at least.
The pathologically greedy global banksters, on the other hand, along
with their rapture-anticipating buddies, will probably be quite happy
for the place to burn provided they've got all the loot by the time
it happens.
Unfortunately there are a large number of people who will seize the
opportunity this presents to carry on as normal and pay no heed to
further warnings as a consequence of seeing this film. And our kids
generation may suffer more as a result.
Hi Tony,
Yes, the documentary seems to be a 'dirty tricks', but no, I don't
think it will have any significant negative effect. Indeed the media
response prompted by the documentary, as we can see from all the
links above, will probably make for a net positive effect! Just as me
mentioning the documentary on the list will probably result in people
here being even more convinced of the threat of global warming. But
still more important is that 'responding to global warming' has now
gone mainstream, ala Gore. As propaganda, the documentary has passed
its sell-by date. More about this in the next posting.
There are many questions involved in this global warming debate:
1) Is global warming occurring?
2) How significant are greenhouse gases to warming?
3) How significant is CO2 within greenhouse gases?
4) How significant are the human-caused pollutants?
5) Which of these pollutants are the most significant?
6) How disastrous is global warming likely to be?
7) Is scientific reporting being distorted by an orthodoxy?
8) What is the effect of media coverage re/global warming?
9) What kinds of 'responses to the crisis' can we expect from
Western leaders?
10) What are the likely consequences of those responses?
11) Who is likely to benefit from the orthodoxy and the responses?
The only question on which we seem to have universal agreement is
(1): Yes, global warming is occurring.
In my first posting on this subject, re/the Channel 4 documentary, I
presented a non-orthodox view. This particular documentary turned out
to be suspect for many reasons (sorry :-( ), but it has been very
productive in prompting you folks to do some good research, which you
have been sending in (thanks :-)). Believe it or not, I am bandwidth
limited, and your research contributions are very important to our
progress here on the list. I've always considered cyberjournal to be
a collaborative endeavor.
In the second posting, I gave air time to research and opinions that
support the orthodox view, that man-caused CO2 is the main culprit,
or at least the most critical amplifier of other culprits.
In this, our third posting, I'll be giving air time to opinions and
research that dissent from the orthodox view. I'll also be including
material about the pressure on scientists to conform to the orthodox
view, and about censorship of dissenting research.
In the next, a fourth posting, I'll be dealing with the political
questions (8-11). In my view these may be the most important
questions for us to be looking at. This is where actions will or will
not be taken, for good or for ill.
My own view is that it is wrong-headed to totally dismiss a report
just because some part of it is wrong, or because the author's
motives are suspect. On that basis, for example, we would need to
dismiss all mainstream sources. History is full of cases where ideas
which are now universally accepted were originally universally
rejected. And the originators of those new ideas were not always
saints, nor were they always right about everything.
To begin, here some articles I've posted to newslog, along with
excerpts from each:
21 Mar 2007 The Nature Institute: Water, Energy, and Global Warming The picture becomes more interesting when a comparison is
made between urban and rural ground-based weather stations.
Urban stations show a significantly greater temperature
increase. In fact, many rural stations show no change at
all. This has led scientists to speculate about the
existence of a so-called "heat island effect", which might
affect our global temperature measurements. In the late
1990s, NASA completed a study of this effect in Atlanta,
Georgia. The study showed temperatures inside Atlanta up to
8 degrees F higher than the surrounding countryside.
... the thermal effect of the water vapor is more than ten
times that of the carbon dioxide. This difference would be
even greater for fuels that produce a higher percentage of
water vapor, such as methane
Additionally, the thermal resistance or insulating
properties of water vapor and carbon dioxide are essentially
identical in value. So the insulating (greenhouse) effects
that are of concern for carbon dioxide are even more
troubling when we consider water vapor emissions.
21 Mar 2007 Global Warming On The Ropes
How can you continue to claim that global warming on Earth
is primarily caused by mankind when other planets (Mars,
Jupiter and Pluto) with no confirmed life forms and
certainly no man-made industrial greenhouse gas emissions
also show signs of global warming? Wouldn't it make more
sense that the sun is responsible for warming since it is
the common denominator?
21 Mar 2007 Global Research: Global Warming: A Convenient Lie
An astronomical observatory in Russia declared that, "the
Mars data is evidence that the current global warming on
Earth is being caused by changes in the sun". They further
point out that both Mars and Earth have, throughout their
histories, experienced periodic ice ages as climate changes
in a continuous fashion. NASA has also been observing
massive storms on Saturn, which indicate a climate change
occurring on that planet as well. NASA's Hubble Space
Telescope has also been recording massive climate changes on
Neptune's largest moon, Triton. Triton, whose surface was
once made up of frozen nitrogen, is now turning into gas.
21 Mar 2007 Edward J. Wegman: critique of climatology research
The controversy of the MBH98/99 methods lies in that the
proxies are incorrectly centered on the mean of the period
1902-1995, rather than on the whole time period.
...The MBH98/99 work has been sufficiently politicized that
this community can hardly reassess their public positions
without losing credibility. Overall, our committee believes
that the MBH99 assessment that the decade of the 1990s was
the likely the hottest decade of the millennium and that
1998 was likely the hottest year of the millennium cannot be
supported by their analysis.
From: "William Engdahl" <>
To: <>
Subject: RE: Is global warming a hoax?
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 22:23:55 +0100
Richard How refreshing to find some sanity amid this orchestrated
Global Armageddon Climate crap.
If you don't yet know it I recommend reading an independent
scientific critique of the IPCC methodology and report. Do a Google
on "Ad Hoc Committee Report on the 'Hockey Stick' Global Climate
Reconstruction" by Edward J. Wegman et al. They rip it to shreds.
Nigel Calder who is in the ITV 4 report you sent wrote a book, The ??
Son where he offers the same explanation Russian science does namely
that the minor weather changes are due not to cows and cars but to
solar flares erupting which happens with varying periodicity
releasing huge energy to the planet earth causing such as El Nino etc.
Hi William,
I found Wegman's report and posted it to newslog (last one above).
It is tough reading, but seems to be very solid. When he talks about
"incorrectly centered on the mean", he's showing that one must be
very careful with statistics. Who is it that said, "There are lies,
damn lies, and statistics"? Wegman shows how many of the
peer-reviewed papers on climate change are highly incestuous, where
the same clique reviews each other's work, and then they are trapped
into defending their previous papers, despite discovered distortions.
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 08:21:01 -0700
From: marc bombois <>
Subject: Re: Is global warming a hoax?
I watched that video and I've also seen Gore's. I was suspicious of
Gore before seeing his film because he's an elite. The film confirmed
my suspicions with its manipulative tugging at our emotions and
simplistic "logic". Most interesting were the reactions of the three
people I watched it with who were sucked in and who I constantly
challenged to question what they were watching. They need hope, as we
all do, and this is probably why Gore's offering is so successful.
The BBC video is manipulative too, but it offers hard facts and
debunks Gore. There's no doubt in my mind that "climate change" is
the elite's latest fear mongering manipulation to control our
behaviour and make more money.
I used to work with geologists and whenever climate change was
mentioned they to a man would simply shrug their shoulders and say
"so what?". We will adapt.
From: "M.A. \"Omas\" Schaefer" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: Is global warming a hoax?
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 11:53:33 -0400
Harvard came out with a study several years ago stating that we were
coming out of a mini-ice age, so of course the temperatures would be
rising. They also observed the influence of the sun, which had gone
into a hyperactive period and was warming the other planets in our
solar system as well. That report was completely buried by the
mainstream press!
It is my understanding that the "consensus" of orthodox scientists
from the Church of Global Warming has ignored the sun's influence all
along, because of course, the sun represents an "Inconvenient Truth".
The UN knew it wouldn't be easy to implement a world tax, so what
better way to support that fraternity of tyrants than to establish
global fear of a boogey man. Then, of course, they would come in with
their carbon tax in order to protect us from the boogey man they
From: "Philip Snow" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: global warming -- the science
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2007 17:43:21 -0000
Dear RKM,
Couldn't help larfing at your correspondent's comment:
'To imagine the bulk of the scientific community engaged in
a conspiracy to frighten the world for the sake of it (or
even to ensure their research grants are renewed) simply
beggars belief - mine at least.'
When, as I have commented many times, 'Evolutionism' is clearly
involved in all of the above - just substitute 'brainwash' for
Anyone who can believe that the incredible wonder of life is simply
the 'Accidental side-effect of Random Big Bang in Nothingness,
Chance Chemical soup & trillions of Blind Genetic Mistakes' - is
obviously barking!!
Please do air this, Richard...
Philip Snow, author/artist: "The Design & Origin of Birds", DayOne
Books, 2006. "Light & Flight - Hebridean Wildlife & Landscape
Sketchbook", Brown & Whittaker, Mull, 12/06.
From: "david moore" <>
Subject: global warming -- the science -- the book
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2007 07:49:50 -1000
Michael Crichton's recent book, "STATE of FEAR", deals exactly with
this topic. it is well-researched and well-referenced. in fact, the
book is more than half a science reader, and only partly a novel.
his well-backed conclusion agrees with the BBC documentary.
and apropos of the current discussion, the book not only deals with
the data and research about global warming, it also deals with its
"political correctness", and the problems faced by anyone trying to
discuss the topic.
i'd highly recommend Crichton's book to anyone who cares about this topic.
From: "Mitchell Hall" <>
To: <>
Subject: Global warming intrigue
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2007 14:50:05 -0700
Hi Richard,
I first heard about The great global warming swindle from MediaLens.
You included a link to them in your recent response post.
So I looked up Martin Durkin (the documentary's director) in
Wikipedia and learned he's been involved in other factually
questionable and/or misleading documentaries. Greenpeace et al have
taken issue with his claims.
He seems to be an anti-environmentalist, a pro-GM foods advocate, an
avowed libertarian, etc.
The neutrality of the Wikipedia article is disputed (naturally), but
the ties he appears to have certainly leave me skeptical of his
motives. None of this information is conclusive, of course, but it
does seem rather telling.
Speaking of skepticism, the reason I've stayed a subscriber to your
list for so long is your rare combination of open-mindedness and
That you give consideration to both sides of an extremely important
issue (such as this one) is highly laudable.