ice-sheets and glaciers in Antarctica are releasing fresh water, interfering with the formation of dense "bottom water," which sinks 4-5 kilometers to the ocean floor and helps drive the world's ocean circulation system.
A slowdown in the system known as "overturning circulation" would affect the way the ocean, which absorbs 85 percent of atmospheric heat, carries heat around the globe.
For the so-called Atlantic Conveyor, the surface warm water current meets the Greenland ice sheet then cools and sinks, heading south again and driving the conveyor belt process.
But researchers fear increased melting of the Greenland ice sheet risks disrupting the conveyor. If it stops, temperatures in northern Europe would plunge.
Around the time the bush administration was working up to invade Iraq either the discovery channel or TLC had a documenatry on about the last Ice Age. It said scientists believed it was triggered by the ice caps melting which slowed, then stopped, the ocean convection currents which stopped moving heat around the world. I though so THAT is why they REALLY want Iraq so they won't freeze with the rest of humanity. anyhow the thought scared the ocean currents stopping scared me then. it freezes me to my marrow now.