I've been following these threads since the OP posted them. I find his theory intriguing.
What do you think? (the second link is the briefest introduction, but intersting comments abound in both threads which are now quite long).
http://www.gnn.tv/threads/23878/Aricultural_and_Agricultural_Irrigation_is_the_Cause_of_Anthropogenic_Warming_of_Earth_s_Climate_Systemhttp://www.gnn.tv/threads/23905/Global_Warming_Think_Again_or_For_the_First_Time_ThinkEdit to add some snippets:
Water vapor is the most critical and important “green house gas.”
Show me the models that factor in the impact of 20th century agricultural practices regarding the countless billions of tons of water that formerly found their way to the oceans via rivers and streams or into underground aquifers that are now diverted to vast tracts of what used to be desert and prairie?
How many gigatons of additional water vapor are added to the atmosphere on a continuous basis throughout the growing seasons and even while fields lay fallow?
What impact is this additional water vapor having on both the weather and the overall climate.
Agricultural irrigation on average adds nearly 12 cubic kilometers of water, in the form of water vapor to the atmosphere each and every day.
Imagine every nuclear power plant, barrel of oil produced, all the natural gas and propane and the coal mined all burned to create just steam that would be released directly to the atmosphere.
Now multiply that X21