(I seem to have heard a different speech by Al Gore, than the one this guy heard)
http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_russell__070322_how_to_tell_big_lies.htmAl Gore is a master of dishonesty. Karl Rove should pay attention, since he may want to tell big lies to Congress soon, too.
In two and a half hours of testimony before a near-idolizing Senate hearing, Al Gore said very little. He profusely thanked Republicans and Democrats alike, and answered every question in the same condescending drone -- even as he told the world he didn't understand "trigonometry" and "calculus" and complicated mathematical things like that.
All of a sudden, about an hour into the proceedings, he was peppered by Republicans blaming him for legislation leading to the demise of nuclear power in America, and demanding to know if he supports nuclear energy OR NOT.
Al Gore was ready.
"It's likely to be a small part. I don't think it will be a large part" he says, without defining "small" or "large."
(read the whole thing, this guy seems to be obsessed with only one topic and seems to gloss over what Al really stated and pumps up straw men for what Al didn't state)