Senators look to boost biofuel use five-foldBy Chris Baltimore
Tuesday, March 27, 2007; 6:28 PM
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top lawmakers on the U.S. Senate Energy
Committee on Tuesday unveiled legislation to boost U.S. biofuels use more
than five-fold by 2022, about five years later than the target set by the
Bush administration.
Sen. Jeff Bingaman, the panel's chairman, and Sen. Pete Domenici, its top
Republican, want to require 36 billion gallons (136 billion liters) of renewable
fuels by 2022 -- about 21 percent of projected U.S. gasoline demand.
-snip-Bush's plan counts on advances in making ethanol from cellulosic sources
like wood chips and switchgrass rather than from corn -- the dominant U.S.
ethanol feedstock now.
The Senate proposal requires 3 billion gallons (11 billion liters) of cellulosic
sources to be used in 2016, rising to 21 billion gallons (79 billion liters)
in 2022.
-snip- Read more: