ReutersCorn is not the future of U.S. ethanol: DOEWed Mar 28, 2007 5:04PM EDT
By Timothy Gardner
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New technology to make ethanol from crops such
as grasses and trees instead of corn could ease price spikes of the grain
within a decade, a U.S. Energy Department official said on Wednesday.
"I'm not going to predict what the price of corn is going to do, but I will
tell you the future of biofuels is not based on corn," U.S. Deputy Energy
Secretary Clay Sell said in an interview.
-snip-The corn prices, the highest in a decade, have spurred thousands of
people in Mexico to protest over the price of tortillas, a national staple
made from corn. The spike has also lead to worries that meat and dairy
prices could eventually rise.
-snip-Cellulosic, and other new biofuels such as biobutanol, which can be made
from petroleum as well as biomass, could begin to feed the commercial fuel
market within six to 10 years, he said. They could also be part of a larger
program to cut greenhouse gases, he added.
-snip-Read more:
Sell's comments about capping GHG's at the end of the article
indicate that BushCo's policies have not really changed.