They would never build a coal plant in
Maine. Never. No way Jose. Never happen. Couldn't. Absolutely not. Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire! That article is full of shit. They're making it up.
Maine is 100% powered by renewable tidal. Solar. Wind. No Nukes! No way. No coal. Couldn't happen. No fucking way.
Oh yes, I've been informed that New Jersey, where I live, is also 100% solar because in spite of the fact that my Brother-in-law was quoted $40,000 for a new solar system (after the tax break) solar systems in New Jersey only cost $16,000, I mean $10,000, I mean they're free. Solar power is FREE! Got that!?! Free! Free dammit, free!
Zillion solar roofs!
So popular are solar roofs, that when you look say at this satellite map of Princeton New Jersey (where the rich folks live) you are just struck by the brazillions of solar roofs:,-74.66888&spn=0.001733,0.003616&t=k&om=1&msid=112464189096017575239.00000112025bf84935a5c&msa=0Every one has one, see?
Well they weren't for Ronald Reagan.
Speaking of shit head actors serving as full of shit Governors of California, let's use the satellite to look at the latest results of the brazillion solar roof program in California.
El Cajon:,-116.932388&spn=0.001911,0.003616&t=k&om=1&msid=112464189096017575239.00000112025bf84935a5cBrazillions of solar roofs!!!!!
San Jose:,-121.929016&spn=0.014457,0.028925&t=k&om=1&iwloc=addrBrazillions of Solar Roofs.,-121.929016&sspn=0.014457,0.028925&layer=&ie=UTF8&z=18&ll=34.105142,-118.590261&spn=0.001883,0.003616&t=k&om=1&iwloc=addrPortland, Maine:,-70.25583&spn=0.006582,0.014462&t=k&om=1&iwloc=addrBrazillions of solar roofs!
I am always be informed by people who know next to zero about New Jersey, all about the wonderful solar energy brazillion solar roofs bill here. It is true that you see <em>some</em> solar power here, but you have to <em>drive</em> a long time to see <em>two</em> of the brazillion solar roofs around here. Recent reports say that all the brazillion solar roofs in New Jersey is like taking 7000 SUVs off the road, which of course, has nothing at all to do with the fact that there are
millions of SUV's here.
As for Maine and what the fuck it does with fossil fuels the
data can easily show exactly what the fuck Maine has done, at least in the period between 1990 and 2004.
Maine renewables in 1990: 16.6%. Maine renewables in 2004: 16.6%
Maine fossil fuels in 1990: 39.9%. Maine fossil fuels in 2004: 66.2%
Maine nuclear in 1990: 23.1% Maine nuclear in 2004: 0%
The shutting of nuclear plants always leads to the burning of fossil fuels.
When the gas goes out of Maine, either the lights go off or they burn coal. All the blowhard shit about wind, all the sun-shiny crap about brazillions of solar roofs, and a flood of "could" statements about tides make not one bit of difference.
Maine, by the way, has the highest asthma rate in the nation:"Maine has the highest asthma rate in the nation and asthma is aggravated by ground-level ozone pollution," said Jerry Reid, assistant attorney general for the Maine Attorney General's Office in Augusta. What concerns Reid is that Maine lies in the paths of emissions such as ozone from coal-fired power plants in the southern and western United States.
Of course, the fact that they burn wood like a bunch of starving Cameroonians has
nothing to do with it, it's all the fault of the midwestern coal plants.
Burning wood is clean and without any cost, even if about 4 million people per year drop dead from burning wood.
In other Maine news, the Readington Wind Farm was rejected, and the rejection is applauded by the Southern Appalachian Hiking Society: the Maine government talks mindlessly about what wind "could" do, if only the Maine government didn't spend all of its time banning wind plants:
• Wind, solar, tidal, geothermal and biomass resources—coupled with energy-saving renewable technologies such as passive solar heating and lighting, solar hot water heating and geothermal heat pumps—could provide a large and growing share of America’s energy. A consistent emphasis on renewables in public policy and in research and development funding could bring many of these technologies into the mainstream—but not if America’s investment dollars are staked on coal. well, better to complain about <em>everything</em> other than repeating your fantasies out loud. When the fuck is Maine going to get
started with all this wonderful "passive solar heating and lighting, solar hot water heating and geothermal heat pumps?"
Don't worry. Be happy.
Come back in 2025. Maine actually will
still have 16.6% of its energy from renewables, and it will still be wood, but they will have lots and lots and lots and lots of precious excuses. It was all Dick Cheney's fault that they're building coal plants like wild in Maine. Why if Dick Cheney had only invested in wind, solar, biofuels, tidal blah, blah, blah...
same excuses will be muttered in Germany, where they will also be sinking the earth under a cloud of coal.
Nuclear energy saves lives. Banning nuclear costs lives.