ReutersKey lawmaker says won't rush climate change billBy Chris Baltimore
17 minutes ago
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Rep. John Dingell, a key player in building consensus
for first-ever climate change legislation in Congress, said on Friday he won't
rush to get a measure passed despite widespread calls for quick action.
Speaking at the National Wildlife Federation's annual meeting, Dingell, chairman
of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said his panel will proceed as
quickly as "good sense and good process permits."
-snip-Dingell has repeatedly avoided committing to any timeframe for bringing climate
change legislation to the floor of the House of Representatives, even though
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has called it as a priority.
-snip-A long-time ally of the "Big Three" U.S. automakers who have factories in his
home district, Dingell put industry on notice that they should cooperate in the
bill-writing process even though they probably won't like the end result.
-snip-Read more: