1. The Rooskies ask us for technical assistance. Like they did in the 1980s.
2. We tell them to go pound sand. Like we did under Reagan.
3. Andreeva suffers an explosion (it is unclear exactly what will happen, or how). Like happened with Chernobyl.
4. The anti-nuclearists snark about it until the cows come home. Like they have done since at least since TMI in 1978.
The Good News:
1. Millions of people
won't die.
2. The prevailing winds are west-to-east. This argues against contamination of Scandinavia and the British Isles -- but not absolutely.
3. The anti-nuclearists aren't invoking 9-11 this time.
4. There will be a number of exciting books and movies released about it:
"Countdown At Andreeva" and
"Death On The Taiga: The Andreeva Disaster". 5. We will all live simpler, richer lives -- with less electricity. Well, those of us who are
richer will, anyway.
Cui Bono? -- Who Profits? Big Oil, Semiconductors, and, of course, Coal. Plus a generation of self-appointed "public interest lawyers". Just like during the later 1980s.
What about wind and solar power? That's a joke, right? As if a single dollar more will be spent beyond that which is required to advertise the oil and coal industries as being "green".
The IAEA? Toothless and aimless. But it's time to change that.