China and the US fought a verbal skirmish last week over the possible use of nuclear weapons against each other, underscoring the often precarious relations between Beijing and Washington.
China fired the first salvo, a belligerent statement by Major General Zhu Chenghu (???) to foreign correspondents. Zhu said China would aim nuclear weapons at American cities if US forces intervened in a Chinese assault to prevent Taiwan from turning its de facto separation from China into formal independence.
The US response was subtle but unmistakable at the very end of a Pentagon report on China's military power. It warned that China should avoid a conflict over Taiwan involving the US as that "would give rise to a long-term hostile relationship between the two nations -- a result that would not be in China's interests." Family and American Industrialist arming the Communist Chinese Nation which is going order its military to attack America and kill American soldiers and citizens and in the end I think Americans will become slaves to the Chinese Empire as once the South enslaved Africans.