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Massive fire in India's largest oil field kills over 10

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dArKeR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-29-05 12:02 AM
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Massive fire in India's largest oil field kills over 10
The death toll rose to 10 with several still missing yesterday from a massive fire on an oil platform in India's biggest oil field, with the government saying it would take a month to recover most of the lost production.
Ships and helicopters rescued more than 350 survivors.

The fire on the platform, 160km off the financial hub of Mumbai, was brought under control late Wednesday after a dramatic midsea rescue and firefighting mission in rough waters.

"Though the loss of the platform would immediately impact 110,000 barrels per day of crude production, it is expected that 70 percent of this production would be restored over the next four weeks," federal Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister Mani Shankar Aiyar told the parliament in New Delhi.
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