Indonesian denied yesterday that any of its security forces trained in the US had a history of human-rights violations as alleged in a report released by a US congressional investigative office.
The US Government Accountability Office said in the report issued on Friday that the US violated US law by training 6,900 Indonesian, Filipino and Thai police without determining beforehand whether they had a history of human-rights violations. The police officers were trained by the US Justice Department with State Department law enforcement assistance between 2001 and last year at a cost of US$265.7 million, the report said.
Among the 4,000 Indonesians trained in civil-military relations and human-rights issues were 32 trainees "from a notorious special-forces police unit previously prohibited under State
policy from receiving US training funds because of the unit's prior human-rights abuses," the report said.
The US is looked at as a joke now when it publishes these reports! LOL!