Venezuelans Vote in Test for Chavez AlliesSunday August 7, 2005 11:31 PM
AP Photo CAR105
Associated Press Writer
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - Voters across Venezuela cast ballots to
select thousands of local officials Sunday in elections that could
predict how well President Hugo Chavez's political allies will fare
in key congressional elections in December.
Chavez said the elections marked ``one more step in the strengthening
of the electoral system'' to prevent irregularities. Casting his
ballot in a poor neighborhood of Caracas, he said "there is security,
there is calm throughout the country."
The elections were to decide thousands of city council and parish
board posts, plus two provincial mayors and one governor, in the
sparsely populated state of Amazonas.
More than 38,700 candidates were contesting the elections. In recent
votes, opposition leaders called for boycotts, saying the country's
electoral council is stacked in Chavez's favor. But this time only
small opposition parties urged a boycott, while the major opposition
parties called for participation to demonstrate unity.