“It was wrong to go into Iraq. It is wrong to stay in Iraq. Let’s support our troops by bringing them home.”
http://www.msnbc.com/news/952444.asp?cp1=1Wednesday, August 27
After addressing the issue at yesterday’s CWA conference, last night Kucinich issued a statement on Iraq:
“With the death toll on the rise and chaos overtaking Iraq it is time for the US to begin the process of withdrawal from Iraq and allow the United Nations (UN) to take over peacekeeping operations in the country.
“It is clear now that the United States is bogged down in an ongoing guerrilla war with almost daily casualties. The situation is one that the Administration did not plan for and is not adequately prepared to handle.
“Assertions by the President, and his Administration, that the war is over and that our mission was accomplished, like their claims about Iraq’s ‘vast stockpiles’ of WMD’s, are false and misleading.
“While this Administration was quick to send troops into harm’s way, they have no exit strategy for removing US troops from the country.
“It is time for the United Nations to be brought in. Negotiations for an exit must begin now. The UN must take over management, accounting and distribution to the Iraqi people of Iraq’s oil profits. There must be no privatization of the Iraqi oil industry. The UN must handle the awarding of all contracts for the rebuilding of Iraq so that there can be no more sweetheart contracts for companies like Halliburton. Additionally, a transition from UN control to self- determined governing structure by and for the Iraqi people must be planned.
“It was wrong to go into Iraq. It is wrong to stay in Iraq. Let’s support our troops by bringing them home.”