"There is nothing moderate about this white-hot polemic — which is both a vice and a virtue. It's a vice, because Fallaci's extreme vituperation tends to undermine the strength of her argument, making her come off at certain points as an out-of-control hothead (e.g., when she makes gutter remarks about the sexual desires and desirability of Muslims, and compares them to vermin). In the main, though, Fallaci's lack of restraint is bracing, even invigorating, first of all because she has the truth on her side, and secondly because she intends through her rage to shock awake a noble civilization hypnotized by multiculturalist mumbo-jumbo, so that it might rise to preserve itself while it still may."
Comparing Muslims to vermin and making gutter remarks about their sexual desirability is is 'bracing, even invigorating'....Whoa!