Associated Press - Washington -
The Senate and House must resolve their differences about nerve-gas weapons after senaors passed a $253 billion defense bill, including $124 million for chemical weapons production.
The Senate voted 46-46 on the controversial weapons Tuesday, then turned to Vice President George Bush, who cast his second deciding vote this year in favor of nerve-gas weapons. The final Senate defense package, which passed 86-6, must be reconciled with a $247.3 billion House version which includes no money for chemical weaponry.
Sen. Howard Metzenbaum voted against the nerve gas weapons. His fellow Ohio Democrat, John Glenn, was the only one of the four Democratic presidential candidates in the Senate to vote for the measure.
Opponents described the so-called binary-nerve-gass artillery shells and bombs as gruesome and immoral. "There is no fiscal reason, no negotiating reason and no military reason of any kind to produce this weapon," said Sen. Mark Hatfield, R-Ore.
But Sen. John Tower, R-Texas, said, "It is the right thing to do for our national security."
Ran across that gem the other day ...