Portland - A computer storage device that may hold the personal information of 900 employees is lost
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Federal Homeland Security officials in Portland are trying to find a lost computer storage device that may have held personal information on more than 900 current and former employees.
The device, called a ThumbDrive, turned up missing Oct. 16 at the Transportation Security Administration's command center at Portland International Airport. The agency, born after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, has about 500 employees statewide who oversee airport security checkpoints.
When the device was last backed up a month ago, Irwin said, it contained the names, Social Security numbers, addresses and telephone numbers of the current workers and roughly 400 former ones in Oregon.
"We have no idea if that employee roster was still on there," he said. "We're concerned because it does have Social Security numbers, and that's why we're taking this so seriously."
They have no idea?!! What else is new.