by Richard E. Sprague You Can Fool the People
You can fool all of the people some of the time
You can fool some of the people all of the time
But you can't fool all of the people all of the time.
Abraham Lincoln, 1864
The decade of 1963 to 1973 in the United State of America will go down in history for many things. In the long run it will be known through the world as the period which demonstrated that it is possible to fool most of the people all of the time.
Adolph Hitler didn't fool very many people. He cowed them, frightened them, and killed them. But most Germans knew what was happening even though they chose to do nothing about it until it was too late.
The exercise of power to control what happens and to restrict liberties is much more difficult in a Democracy or a Republic. The United States is always held up as the model case in which the guaranteed election of the president every four years and the two-party system, will prevent the country from being run by dictators. The people are represented by the Congress and also elect the President.
A person or a group planning a coup d'etat in the U.S. would have a completely different job on their hands than Germany in the 1930's, South American or African countries in the twentieth century, or France in the 1890's or Russia in 1918.
It would be necessary to fool a majority of the American people into believing that they were well represented, and that a democracy still existed, while at the same time the coup group were in reality changing the country to suit their own tastes.
It is the contention of the writer that this is exactly what has happened over a period of time following World War II. The methods used to fool the American people, certainly since 1963 and to some extent also since the end of World War I, have varied slightly as administrations changed. The main thrust however has been a constant erosion of civil rights, and a swing of government away from the best interests of the people and toward big companies, banks, the military and rich individuals and families. The trend was slowed down only briefly between 1960 and 1963 when Jack Kennedy attempted to alter the situation. He was assassinated because he did so.
To fool the American people is not easy. It requires immense capabilities, tricky, secret methods, hidden resources, great wealth and the equivalent of brainwashing or mind control on a grand scale. Yet that type of resource is precisely what has accomplished the deed. It is probable that, like Germany, the American people will awaken to what has been happening to them and to who has been doing it. It is also very likely, now that the Nixon administration has been restored for four more years, that by 1976 it will be too late, in spite of Watergate.
George McGovern's speech on ABC Television, the evening of October 25, 1972, was a warning for those citizens who were awake, that "it can happen here." It's happening here, was his basic message. Yet, unlike Germany, the people were silent, and fooled. They didn't believe him when he said, "Your liberties are being removed, one by one." The Supreme Court by 1976 will be so packed with Nixon appointees that we will never get our liberties back. McGovern covered most of the areas in which the people have been fooled. The major area he didn't cover was that of assassination. This tool represents only the end of the spectrum of techniques used by those in control to remain in control. It has been used four times very effectively, on both Kennedys, on Martin Luther King, and in the attempt on George Wallace. In the case of Wallace, crippling was sufficient to change the political outcome in 1972.
More important than the use of assassinations has been the ability to fool the American people into believing there were four lone madmen involved -- and no conspiracies. The techniques involved in fooling people are more complex and subtle than those involved in the crime itself. In the Watergate case, the original crime was the use of every trick and technique necessary to re-elect Nixon. The people had to be fooled into believing that Nixon and the CIA had nothing to do with Watergate and the broader plan of which it was part.
That the fooling part turned out to be so easy is due to a long series of conditioning steps taken with the American news media and the people over the preceding years. The Pentagon Papers case reveals how the people were fooled by several (successive CIA) administrations over a long period of time. Efforts against Ellsberg and the press continued in order to prevent further decay of the fooling process.
How is it possible in the 20th century USA -- with TV and high levels of communication, with freedom of the press, freedom of speech -- to fool most of the people all of the time? Here is how it is done. Five ingredients are required.
The Five Big Events. The five events since World War II about which the power control group must continue to fool the American people about are the assassinations of John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King; the attempted assassination of George Wallace; and the Watergate episode. (In 1973, the truth about Chappaquiddick and its importance, together with the threats against Jackie Kennedy, Ethel Kennedy, Ted Kennedy and all of the Kennedy children, had not been exposed. Chappaquiddick is the sixth big event.)
All other things this group has done since 1947 fade into insignificance compared to these five. The reason is that the American people may accept such things as the Pueblo incident, the Gulf of Tonkin fake, the Mylai incident, the Pentagon Papers, the Kent State killings, the frame-ups of the Black Panthers and their murders, and even the whole Viet Nam war, but they would rise up in wrath if the truth about any one or all of those five events were exposed.
Thus, Mr. Hanson for Sirhan, Mr. Fensterwald for James Earl Ray, Mr. Lawrence O'Brien and the Watergate suit -- anyone opposing the findings of the Warren Commission with national prominence and success -- and anyone who begins to pry too much into George Wallace's brush with death will be opposed with all the power those in control can muster. Each will be dealt with if he comes too close, just as Jim Garrison was dealt with by both the Johnson and Nixon administrations. Garrison managed to beat out the Nixon-controlled Justice Department in his own trial in September 1973. The jury in New Orleans found him innocent in spite of the fact that the prosecuting attorney, the judge, the key witness, Pershing Gervais, and the news media were all controlled by Nixon and Mitchell. By late 1973 it was becoming a little more difficult to fool the people.
All of the above and more can be found can be found and downloaded from THE SECRET TEAM
and Its Allies
in Control of the United
States and the World
Col., U.S. Air Force (Ret.)
(January 24, 1917 - June 5, 2001)