GLIDE Number: NC-20070228-10112-USA
Date / time: 28/02/2007 15:02:41
Event: Nuclear Event
Area: North-America
Country: USA
State/County: State of Virginia
City: Unknow
Number of Deads: None or unknow
Number of Injured: None or unknow
Damage level: Minor
Dominion Resources Inc. (D.N: Quote, Profile , Research) stopped the shutdown of the 910-megawatt Unit 2 at the North Anna nuclear power station in Virginia on Feb. 27 due to a failed test, the company told the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in a report.
Operators declared the emergency core cooling system pump room exhaust air cleanup system inoperable Tuesday afternoon after a failed surveillance test. The company started to reduce the plant from full power later in the evening but stopped the shutdown after making a temporary repair to the failed system.
The unit was operating at 35 percent when the company issued the event report last night and 31 percent this morning, according to the NRC event report. Electricity traders noted the company would shut the unit in mid-March for a planned month-long refueling outage. The traders, however, said this power reduction likely had nothing to do with the refueling.
The last time the unit shut from Oct. 2-31, 2005. It is on an 18-month refueling cycle. The 1,834 MW North Anna station is located in Mineral in Louisa County about 50 miles northwest of Richmond, Virginia. There are two units at the station: the 924 MW Unit 1 and the 910 MW Unit 2. Unit 1 continued to operate at full power. One MW powers about 700 homes in Virginia.