GLIDE Number: NC-20070301-10121-USA
Date / time: 01/03/2007 04:21:44
Event: Nuclear Event
Area: North-America
Country: USA
State/County: State of New York
City: Near New York
Number of Deads: None or unknow
Number of Injured: None or unknow
Damage level: Minor
A nuclear power plant near New York was shut down Wednesday when a pressure transmitter in the feed-water system malfunctioned, the plant's operator said.
No radioactivity from the Indian Point Unit 2 reactor along the Hudson River, 24 miles north of New York, was released into the environment, Entergy Corp. said.
The 6:35 a.m. malfunction affected the water supply line to the main boiler feed pumps that send heated water to steam generators in a non-nuclear part of the reactor, Entergy said. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and local public officials were notified of the shutdown, the Mid-Hudson News Network reported.
The reactor is expected to return to service as early as Thursday, once the malfunction's cause has been confirmed and repairs are made, the utility said. The adjacent Indian Point 3 was unaffected by the shutdown, Entergy said. The Indian Point 1 reactor was deactivated in 1974.