Jackson 03/14/07
A suspicious package put in a mail box in south Jackson caused a big scare Wednesday, but after a lot of anxious moments involving bomb squad personnel using a robot and dressed in a bomb resistant suit, two devices were deemed harmless to the public.
It all happened on Monaco Street just north of Wood Glen Drive in southwest Jackson. The Hollands family who live at 2220 Monaco had been out of town. When they returned they found the suspicious looking package, along with their mail. They called police at 11:16 a.m.
A robot pulled the device out of the mail box and an explosive charge was fired at it to see if it would detonate. It did not. The area was cleared of danger by mid afternoon, after the national guard was called into check a second device.
Whoever put the devices in the mail box could face federal charges for a hoax involving the U.S. Mail.