GLIDE Number: NC-20070325-10507-RUS
Date / time: 25/03/2007 15:15:45
Event: Nuclear Event
Area: Europe
Country: Russia
State/County: Unknow
City: Unknow
Number of Deads: None or unknow
Number of Injured: None or unknow
Damage level: Minor
The third power unit of the Kursk nuclear power plant in central Russia was shut down Sunday by an automated protection system, the press office of the Russian nuclear power generating monopoly said.
"At 9.05 a.m. Moscow time (05:05 a.m. GMT), the third energy unit of the Kursk NPP was shut down due to a fault in the electric equipment of the unit's switch gear.
The power unit is expected to be put into operation March 27 after repairs".
The NPP currently operates the first and the fourth units while the second power unit is under planned repairs.