GLIDE Number: BH-20070428-11058-USA
Date / time: 28/04/2007 03:42:36
Event: Biological Hazard
Area: North-America
Country: USA
State/County: State of Florida
City: Unknow
Number of Deads: None or unknow
Number of Injured: None or unknow
Damage level: Minor
The Bay County Health Department received 3 reports of infection from Vibrio vulnificus within the last week. This bacterium is occurring naturally in saltwater and is most commonly contracted by eating raw shellfish, according to a health department news release.
The 3 people with cases reported within the last week told officials they ate raw oysters prior to becoming ill, the news release stated. The infection may cause only mild illness in healthy people, but it can cause serious or even fatal illness in persons with liver disease, diabetes, HIV, or other illnesses that compromise the immune system, health officials said.
People can prevent becoming infected by not eating raw shellfish or cooking shellfish thoroughly prior to cooking.
More: eat raw shellfish in months that have the letter "R" in the name.