ReutersU.S. jury to get preview in Padilla terrorism caseBy Jane Sutton
Mon May 14, 1:21 AM ET
MIAMI (Reuters) - Jurors in Jose Padilla's terrorism support trial
are scheduled to get a preview of the evidence during opening
statements on Monday, but they'll hear virtually nothing about
the accusations that led to his arrest.
By order of U.S. District Judge Marcia Cooke, jurors will hear
no mention of "dirty bomb" plots nor anything Padilla told
interrogators during the 3-1/2 years he was held by
presidential order in a U.S. military prison.
-snip-He and two co-defendants, Adham Amin Hassoun and Kifah
Wael Jayyousi, face life in prison if convicted on charges of
conspiring to "murder, kidnap and maim" people overseas and
providing material support for terrorists.
-snip-If prosecutors' mention Padilla's statements from the brig or the
"dirty bomb" allegations, defense lawyers will be allowed to
discuss the circumstances under which they were made, bringing
the Bush administration's interrogation techniques and secret
CIA prisons into the case.
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