GLIDE Number: BH-20070725-12527-USA
Date / time: 25/07/2007 12:55:52
Event: Biological Hazard
Area: North-America
Country: USA
State/County: State of Colorado
City: Unknow
Number of Deads: None or unknow
Number of Injured: None or unknow
Damage level: Minor
The first reported animal plague cases in the country of the year is in El Paso County. Officials confirm cases in Prairie Dogs at Schriever Air Force Base and on neighboring property. The county health department is working closely with base officials and property owners to avoid potential human infections. The plague can be transmitted to people through the bites of infected fleas or direct contact with animals infected with the disease. Officials warn to avoid contact with sick or dead prairie dogs and rabbits. Be sure your pets are treated for fleas and avoid areas populated by prairie dogs. Also, use insect repellant outside and be aware of dead animal smells or heavy fly populations.