Teacher's warning scares Brockton students
By Maria Papadopoulos, Enterprise staff writer
BROCKTON— It wasn't so much the bacteria in an opened petri dish that caused a scare at Brockton High School, but what a biology teacher said to the lab class, the principal said Tuesday.
A student opened a taped-shut petri dish that contained ordinary bacteria swabbed from ordinary surfaces by students on Friday, said Principal Susan Szachowicz.
And while the bacteria was not dangerous, the teacher, who was not identified, then said to the student, “You could have just exposed this class to dangerous bacteria,” Szachowicz said.
The teacher was trying to make a point to the student to follow instructions in a lab situation, Szachowicz said. But “the problem was of course you have a class full of kids who got scared,” Szachowicz said.
http://enterprise.southofboston.com/articles/2007/10/24/news/news/news17.txt"Smooth move, kid. Looks like you get a failing grade this semester."