There is a
fine interview with Scott Ritter at the Metro Times Detroit.
This quote really grabbed me:
"First of all you have to note, from the public side, that very few Americans actually function as citizens anymore. What I mean by that are people who invest themselves in this country, people who care, who give a damn. Americans are primarily consumers today, and so long as they continue to wrap themselves in the cocoon of comfort, and the system keeps them walking down a road to the perceived path of prosperity, they don't want to rock the boat. If it doesn't have a direct impact on their day-to-day existence, they simply don't care."—Scott Ritter
It grabbed me because he is right. I noticed long ago that we are referred to as "consumers" rather than "workers". Reminds me of a headline I once saw: Apathy a Big Problem... But Who Cares?
The entire article/interview is well worth reading. It puts together some pieces of a scary puzzle. Ritter also looks to April 2008 as a probable time for a U.S. attack on Iran.