FEMA's Memo About Falling SatelliteAP Thursday February 21 2008
By The Associated Press
Text of the Federal Emergency Management Agency's memo
sent Wednesday to the nation's emergency first responders
about a falling U.S. satellite, as provided by FEMA.
MEMORANDUM TO: America's First Responder Community
FROM: FEMA Disaster Operations Directorate
SUBJECT: Satellite Re-entry
A U.S. satellite has malfunctioned and is expected to re-
enter the Earth's atmosphere sometime between the last
week of February and the first week of March. Right now it
is in an uncontrolled descent and as a result, the exact
date, time and place of impact cannot yet be determined.
It is our plan to pass on more specific information with as
much advance notice as possible. Please keep in mind that
the probability that it will fall upon the United States
is low, yet we must be ready.
The satellite weighs approximately 5,000 pounds and about
50 percent of it will probably survive re-entry. Of that amount,
what is most concerning is the fuel tank. This tank contains
approximately 1,000 pounds of hydrazine as the fuel source
and will likely survive re-entry and be intact when it strikes
the Earth. It may then rupture and release the hydrazine.
There is also a fuel tank liner of beryllium compound.
There is no radiation on board.