Police discover suspicious package, documents at their doorstep
Posted: Tuesday, October 7, 2008 2:19 pm
The Northfield Police Department is investigating two separate incidents of suspicious documents and a suspicious package. On 10-6-08 sometime prior to 6:45 a.m. a suspicious document was left in the lobby of the Safety Center.
On 10-7-08 at approximately 6:55 a.m. a suspicious document and package were left in the lobby at the Safety Center. At 8:20 a.m. on 10-7-08 the Bloomington Police Bomb Squad was called to assist Northfield Police in dealing with the suspicious package.
The bomb squad was able to determine through investigation and analyzation that the package did not contain an explosive device. The two incidents are believed to be related. This investigation will continue.
http://www.northfieldnews.com/news.php?viewStory=46180Bomb threat empties Norwood High
By Brian Falla/Daily News staff
Tue Oct 07, 2008, 10:50 AM EDT
The high school was evacuated yesterday morning and all after-school activities were canceled after officials found a bomb threat in the hallway.
School Superintendent John Moretti said he learned of the threat from Norwood High officials around 9:40 a.m. yesterday after they discovered the note.
The note was brought to Principal George Usevich, and Moretti said administrators decided to call the Fire Department.
Moretti said the Fire Department told them there had been evidence of pipe bombs found around town recently and the decision was made to call the bus companies and parents and dismiss students.
http://www.wickedlocal.com/norwood/news/x1374044723/Bomb-threat-empties-Norwood-HighJeannette students sent home early after bomb threat found
By The Tribune-Review
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Jeannette High School students were sent home early Tuesday after a written bomb threat was found in a bathroom.
Police Chief Jeff Stahl said the note was found shortly before 2 p.m., prompting an early dismissal.
"We received a bomb threat toward the end of the day," said Superintendent Sharon Marks. "We did an early dismissal, contacted the authorities and did a sweep of the building, which turned up nothing."
It was the third bomb threat at the school since May.
On May 1, writing on a men's bathroom wall indicated that someone "would blow the place up."
http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/tribunereview/news/westmoreland/s_592217.html14-year-old arrested after calling in fake bomb threat
Cedar Shoals student
By Ryan Blackburn | ryan.blackburn@onlineathens.com | Story updated at 10:32 pm on 10/7/2008
A 14-year-old Cedar Shoals High School student was arrested Monday after she borrowed a friend's cell phone and used it to call in a fake bomb threat, Athens-Clarke police said.
Operators at the Athens-Clarke 911 center contacted the Cedar Shoals school resource officer shortly after receiving the threat about 8:20 a.m., 10 minutes before the start of the school day.
Administrators and school resource officers immediately locked down the school for about a half hour so that police could inspect the building in accordance with the school district's emergency management plan, said Principal Ingrid Gilbert.
No bomb or suspicious package was found in the search.
http://onlineathens.com/stories/100808/new_341410470.shtmlSecond bomb scare at HSU termed ‘accidental’
Published: Oct 8 2008, 12:11 AM · Updated: Oct 8 2008, 12:12 AM
The Friday pipe bomb scare that disrupted a corner of the Humboldt State University campus was an accidental occurrence, but investigation of the Sept. 23 bomb hoax continues, according to the HSU Police Department.
Witness statements and physical evidence examination positively linked the double-capped, 18-inch length of black plastic 2-inch diameter pipe found Friday to a flooring contractor who had been working in the north Union Street neighborhood on Friday, according to an HSU release.
The unmarked pipe, configured by the contractor to carry and protect equipment, had fallen from the back of a van being driven south in the 1500 block of Union Street at about midday Friday.
A second motorist discovered it moments later while parking. The motorist placed the unattended pipe on the sidewalk in front of the forum that adjoins the Behavioral and Social Sciences Building, assuming the owner might retrieve it, the release stated.
Unwittingly, the motorist placed the pipe in the immediate area where California Lt. Gov. John Garamendi was scheduled to meet shortly with members of the campus community and the public.
http://eurekareporter.com/article/081008-second-bomb-scare-at-hsu-termed-%E2%80%98accidental%E2%80%99Suspension, expulsion hearing for boy charged in Traip bomb threat
Article Date: Wednesday, October 8, 2008
KITTERY, Maine — The boy charged with terrorizing in connection with Thursday's bomb threat at R.W. Traip Academy has been suspended from the high school pending an expulsion hearing.
Police charged a boy last year in connection with one of two bomb threats at the school, but Littlefield would not say what the punishment from the school district was in that case.
Police Chief Edward F. Strong has said full restitution for expenses incurred by the school, police and fire departments will be sought for Thursday's incident.
http://www.fosters.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20081008/GJNEWS_01/710089874/-1/FOSNEWSBomb-threat caller is sought in Park Ridge
2 calls disrupted homecoming dance at Maine South High School
By Carolyn Rusin, Special to the Tribune
October 8, 2008
Park Ridge detectives were trying to identify who called in bomb threats over the weekend that forced an early end to a homecoming dance at Maine South High School, police said Tuesday.
More than one threatening cell-phone call was made to 911, said Dave Keller, the commander of investigations.
About 1,500 students and 15 staffers were forced to leave the school's gym about 8 p.m. Saturday and go to the football field. The dance was set for 7 to 10 p.m.
http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-maine-threat-nwblotter-both-oct08,0,167124.story Bomb threat at Essex Aggie
By Julie Manganis
Staff writer
DANVERS — A Peabody teen is facing criminal charges after allegedly leaving a bomb threat in the boys room at Essex Agricultural and Technical High School Monday.
Alexander Connery, who turns 18 tomorrow, has been ordered to stay away from the school's Danvers campus and comply with a list of other court conditions, including an evaluation by a court social worker, continued counseling with his own therapist, weekly check-ins with a probation officer and a 10 p.m. curfew.
Connery pleaded not guilty to one charge of making a bomb threat during his arraignment in Salem District Court yesterday, where Judge Richard Mori went along with the conditions requested by prosecutors and Connery's lawyer. He did not set bail for Connery, who was accompanied to court by his parents.
The charges stem from a janitor's discovery on the floor of the men's restroom on Monday. The note, written on distinctive notebook paper, read in part, "There is a bomb here at Essex Aggie. My hope is that the whole school will burn down. You have three days. The campus is large so look quick."