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Morpheal Donating Member (145 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-25-08 11:30 PM
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Another thing that has shown me how religion is used as a mere
handmaiden to politics, and usually to politics at its worst and most

I have been very exceptionally active in posting some 'correctives'
recently. (Do a google on me and check out the recent articles.) One
of the reasons for my sudden haste was a sudden and inexplicable rise
in the frequency and intensity of "rapture" oriented communications
announcing that the delayed apocalyptic end time was near to hand. It
was something I did not expect, in the situation as was apparent
around me in the world at the time.

Just when I thought I could go completely dormant and live out my life
more peacefully... earning some sort of modest living, doing my art,
and being a poet.... Not quite. Just when you think it is reasonably
safe something happens. Most irritating. Worse than irritating. Enough
to make Luciferian out of anyone. (Get whomever is pushing that
"button" off that throne and fast. Of course we _know_ it is _not_ a
god. However desperate politicos do desperate things even more than
other desperate people do desperate things.)

The weird strains of rapture is immanent, prepare for the end, began
not long before the world economy collapsed so suddenly and without
any indications of foreknowledge and accountability in Washington....
(The communications were NOT personally directed at me, but at the
population at large. I became immune to such things a long time ago.)
The only previous time when the same sorts of signals as to immanent
"rapture" were being detected was when the Cold War was at its most
extreme and nuclear mutually assured destruction was the pick of the
day as to the probabilities game in regard to immanent outcomes.
It takes someone who knew what happened then to recognize it when it
starts to happen now.

Fortunately for all of us, I have not heard any more "rapture"
communications of particular or unusual note or type in the past
approximately two weeks. Seems it was killed dead as it ought to be.
We don't want another "rapture" to take everyone to kingdom come. We
want to live a little, before we turn to ashes and dust.
Robert Morpheal
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BlooInBloo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-25-08 11:34 PM
Response to Original message
1. Or sing along...
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lxlxlxl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-25-08 11:39 PM
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2. Rapture obessesion is at least 10 years old now
Maybe it is because I grew up in Texas, but I swear this has been going on since at least 93/94 in some form. Maybe it seems louder now that it is off the Sunday Religious shows and Talk Radio and now in your face on the internet.

I really thought we would see a drop off after 2000, you know, since that was a millenium marker, but no, I guess that was just false sense of security and that the lord is ready to strike any second now.

Are they getting crazier about it? I dont know. A rabid religious person that loses his or her faith is probably worse than an always skeptical person that is bummed out.

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islandmkl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-25-08 11:39 PM
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3. check this mix...
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54anickel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-26-08 12:09 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. That's awesome! Never would have thought to put those together. n/t
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napoleon_in_rags Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-26-08 02:16 AM
Response to Original message
5. Here's the essence as I see it.
Leonard Cohen said it best: "The blizzard of the world has crossed the threshold and its overturned the order of the soul". That's the issue here. This rapture stuff is nothing new, its natural. Its been going on for thousands of years. Really, religion, all of it, has been going on for thousands of years, and its always been political. What's different in these times is self knowledge in the really physical sense of the word. Brain scans. Everybody on mind altering psyche meds. Advertisements and "news" engaging in constant psychological manipulation to attain desired effects. Human beings are being increasingly programmed, I mean literally programmed, systematically. And that's why we need to review this stuff. I mean there's always been this class of people where you can hand them a book, whatever book, and say "look this book was written by God, the book says so." And they will buy it. And this obvious thinking error is exploitable, they can be made to do things. (hell, we can all be influenced somewhat by BS, that's why ads work) But what we're talking about here is so much more. Its much deeper.

There's a precedent in the of the 13th century. They supposedly drugged individuals, (with Hash and narcotics) and placed them in a garden of delights with women while they were very high. Told they were in heaven, they were told they could live there forever by killing the right people. So they would wake up elsewhere, and receive "holy signs" backing up their experience, and would become suicide attackers for Nizari Shia militants. It was very effective, and one can see elements of the same process in indoctrination of current suicide bombers.

And the really scary thing? That was 700 years go. So what do you get when you add that with 300 years of advertising research, 100 years of psychology, an industry that specializes in mind altering drugs for everything under the sun (50 years of research since the 1960s now), information technology, militarized neuroscience blah de blah de blah? What you have is a very very dangerous situation.

The first real application of scientific, systematic mind control in politics was with the Nazi party in the 1930's. Some of it was soft science, like they knew that by making people physically mimic the Fuhrer, they could control thoughts, though they didn't have the theoretical framework of mirror neurons that we have today to explain it. But of course what you saw was the transformation of the Nazi party into a quazi-religious entity, complete with symbols, costumes and rituals. They intentionally, scientifically exploited the thinking errors exploited in fundamentalist religions for political gain. But the scary part of it is that they also made TV's, rockets, and all kinds of other things that can be produced by companies today...scientific capabilities become more accessible to smaller groups as time goes on, as a rule. None of this stuff has gone away, its sleeping beneath the surface of our everyday lives.

So that's what we're looking at, that's what we're talking about. Those individuals framing Obama as the Antichrist are deploying the same techniques that the Nazis and Hashshashins used for political mind control, but with a toolkit of psychological manipulation a thousand times more powerful laying around in various industries just waiting to be tapped to bring a much more horrible Beast to life. Watch out!!!
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Morpheal Donating Member (145 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-26-08 09:56 PM
Response to Reply #5
6. Rapture And Extremist Religion Used By Government
Well Cohen also said "I have seen the future and it is murder".... in some ways that is how some practice their religiosity.
Think, act, believe same as us or die. The difference nowadays is that the death is more often social and economic, but
brought about by devious covert means.

I studied western and eastern religions and philosophies for years, and I agree with you that "rapture" as a concept is
an old idea and has been around a long time. The difference is in the peaks and valleys of abnormal versus normal
intensity of a phenomenon. When it is stimulated by other means, outside of the usual, it takes on a different character
and presence. So in espionage terms you can "read the signature" and it isn't normative anymore.

The form it takes when it is used manipulatively, and is itself manipulated, is different, and it shows clear indications
that a government is behind the manipulation. Only governments have that level of capability. We knew it from the
Cold War, and knew how it worked, but when undergoing specialist training it was a question of learning to
withstand the effects of such things as NLP and other brain washing tactics. You become immunized, but you also
become aware, of the full spectrum of what can be done to a human population to bend its will and its minds.

Some of the techniques go back as far as the early 20th century, but some are much newer.

Outside of a war situation the problem because the old Constitutional problem of separation of Church and State.
If you use the machinery of war to push fundamentalist, right wing, religiosity and concepts onto any segment of
your population you violate the separation of church and state. Now, can an Executive order circumvent the
constitution in that regard, without war being declared ?

There I would stand firmly opposed.

As a commander I could never condone that type of abuse of the system.

It is too fundamental an issue. Church and state must remain separate.
The constitutional rights of the people must be safeguarded not violated.
There is no possible justification to use any religion, in any way, or to promote
any religion in any way, using the systems, methods, mechanisms, of warfare
outside of a specific military necessity in a time of declared war.

There has to be an inviolable boundary.

I would have to way that those responsible MUST be removed from power and office.
At the very least.

Robert Morpheal

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napoleon_in_rags Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-27-08 02:51 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. Really good post, thanks.
In response, yeah I would definitely say you can see the "mark" on religious manipulation. I mean, some folks saw the anti-christ in Gorby because the poor guy has that birth mark on his forehead. I could actually see that coming from a reading of revelations, (mark of the beast) but with Obama there's nothing, America's first black president just happens to be the "anti-christ" because... Somebody said so. Its nonsense, its political.

One thing you said I didn't understand was that "Only governments have that level of capability". Maybe at the large level its true, but cults and even individuals have successfully used religious psychological manipulations for their benefit. To me its a systemic problem.

But I really liked you bringing up Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). A research project into that would really bring you into the heart of power over the last century. I read that NLP as we know it today came from the 1970s, drawing in part on Chomsky's idea of deep and surface structure of language. (Speaking of signatures/marks, Chomsky was active working on Natural Language Processing as well at the time, also NLP. So back then talking about Chomsky and NLP would have been like talking about a source named after a porn movie like "Deepthroat: It would sound like you were talking about something else if you were overheard...) But the main thing is that the science beneath NLP, specifically that deep structure, goes back long before. The idea of the symbolic and mythological being a part of it goes back to Jung. An occult writer I like from the early 20th century, Dion Fortune, makes references to her contemporary Freud while talking about magickal symbolic structures. So its old.

Actually, I was thinking about that along with the madness in Mumbai. I got me thinking that WWII actually had two wars involved, the surface war and the deep war. The surface war was won largely by FDR and Churchill, but when we look at Hitler's programming attempts, we see that he was equating the German people with Indo-Aryan people as well, and taking India's traditional symbols, the spinning wheel (swastika) as his flag. At the time he was doing this, India's vast millions were fed up with a weak english occupying force, and ready for revolution. A violent Indian revolution while Germany was at war with Britain would have certainly sided them with Germany, multiplying Hitlers forces vastly. It was Gandhi though that directed it toward non-violence, directing them to their physical spinning wheels rather than Hitler's symbolic one:

And thus making the revolution about homespun cloth rather than killing English.

Interesting thought anyway. But the point is yes, I agree with you: Anybody in office practicing direct religious manipulation should be removed. My fear is that this isn't sufficient, the problems are larger and systemic. Maybe its time to review the philosophies of men like Martin Luther Kind and Gandhi for some hints on how to deal with it...
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