Leonard Cohen said it best: "The blizzard of the world has crossed the threshold and its overturned the order of the soul". That's the issue here. This rapture stuff is nothing new, its natural. Its been going on for thousands of years. Really, religion, all of it, has been going on for thousands of years, and its always been political. What's different in these times is self knowledge in the really physical sense of the word. Brain scans. Everybody on mind altering psyche meds. Advertisements and "news" engaging in constant psychological manipulation to attain desired effects. Human beings are being increasingly programmed, I mean literally
programmed, systematically. And that's why we need to review this stuff. I mean there's always been this class of people where you can hand them a book, whatever book, and say "look this book was written by God, the book says so." And they will buy it. And this obvious thinking error is exploitable, they can be made to do things. (hell, we can all be influenced somewhat by BS, that's why ads work) But what we're talking about here is so much more. Its much deeper.
There's a precedent in the
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hashshashin of the 13th century. They supposedly drugged individuals, (with Hash and narcotics) and placed them in a garden of delights with women while they were very high. Told they were in heaven, they were told they could live there forever by killing the right people. So they would wake up elsewhere, and receive "holy signs" backing up their experience, and would become suicide attackers for Nizari Shia militants. It was very effective, and one can see elements of the same process in indoctrination of current suicide bombers.
And the really scary thing? That was 700 years go. So what do you get when you add that with 300 years of advertising research, 100 years of psychology, an industry that specializes in mind altering drugs for everything under the sun (50 years of research since the 1960s now), information technology, militarized neuroscience blah de blah de blah? What you have is a very very dangerous situation.
The first real application of scientific, systematic mind control in politics was with the Nazi party in the 1930's. Some of it was soft science, like they knew that by making people physically mimic the Fuhrer, they could control thoughts, though they didn't have the theoretical framework of mirror neurons that we have today to explain it. But of course what you saw was the transformation of the Nazi party into a quazi-religious entity, complete with symbols, costumes and rituals. They intentionally, scientifically exploited the thinking errors exploited in fundamentalist religions for political gain. But the scary part of it is that they also made TV's, rockets, and all kinds of other things that can be produced by companies today...scientific capabilities become more accessible to smaller groups as time goes on, as a rule. None of this stuff has gone away, its sleeping beneath the surface of our everyday lives.
So that's what we're looking at, that's what we're talking about. Those individuals framing Obama as the Antichrist are deploying the same techniques that the Nazis and Hashshashins used for political mind control, but with a toolkit of psychological manipulation a thousand times more powerful laying around in various industries just waiting to be tapped to bring a much more horrible Beast to life. Watch out!!!