To reiterate in simple terms. (Partly what I said about "rapture" being used as a means of influencing populations within and outside one's own nation, but going well beyond that one idea.)
The separation of church and state is fundamental and inviolable.
It is one of the most important principles that must guide the government who must never overstep that divide.
The government must never allow its means, technical and otherwise, its power and privileged knowledge, to be used in any way to promote or force upon any, any religious system of beliefs, within its own nation. That includes all possible covert and overt ways and means. Today those means, some of them resulting from necessary advances in technology during the past century of constant conflict, including the Cold War, are more refined, more subtle, and more effective, than ever before. That means that the separation of church and state is more in peril than ever before and it is even more important to exert the utmost vigilance in maintaining that separation as one of the most fundamental and important constitutional issues.
Similarly it must never use those means upon any other nation outside of the exceptional circumstances of a declared, constitutionally legal, war. (I am evading the question of whether religious ideology can legitimately be used against an enemy in war, or in any way as a weapon of war. That is another, different, ethical question. The fact is that such means are used in war and religion has also been used in terms of those means as a weapon of war. In my own opinion it is my belief that the use of religion in that way is a dangerously ineffective weapon of war and the means that can be utilized to make religion a weapon of war have proven to have entirely contrary results delaying, not expediting, victory and peace.)
When those empowerd by government use that power improperly, violating the separation of church and state, those responsible for that violation of that basic principle must be removed from their positions, and action must be taken to prevent such situations happening again.
We must never allow those in command, in government, in the Executive branch, in Congress or the Senate, working in the service of intelligence or working for the Pentagon, to act in any way contrary to the separation of church and state.
Extreme and constant vigilance is necessary to prevent illegal and wrongful usurpations of power for the sake of promoting in any way, or forcing in any way, any personal religious agenda, belief, or purpose, by any official of the government, elected or in any way appointed.
It is now an ever present danger, and questionable, potentially illicit, use of government means and ways to promote, and attempt to force religious beliefs upon citizens of the United States of America and citizens of its allies and other nations where no war was declared between them, must be brought to an end, and those responsible removed from their positions in government, and dishonored as is befitting those who disregard the most basic principles that are meant to safeguard and to provide for progress in human freedoms, in a constitutionally governed nation and in its proper relations to the world community.
Robert Morpheal