The Pentagon has unveiled a new initiative called "Horizontal Fusion." Here are a couple links to get you up-to-speed:
Armed Forces Television Report (RealVideo)Horizontal Fusion Web SiteHere's a quote from the video which should help you understand exactly what Horizontal Fusion is:
We need a capability in terms of information that supports the ability to respond to that immediately. So this supports transformation in putting in that foundation and executing that foundation so that these processes -- these transformational ideas -- can actually evolve.OK. Whatever. So perhaps the Horizontal Fusion web site explains it better. I mean, how much can you learn about a new Pentagon program in a two minute video? Helpfully, the Horizontal Fusion web site has as its #1 frequently asked question -- apparently I'm not the only one -- "What is Horizontal Fusion?" Here's what they say:
Horizontal Fusion is a Department of Defense (DoD) Transformation initiative focused on the goal of enabling Net-Centric warfare. Horizontal Fusion is partnered with initiatives that will provide the communications underpinning and the Net-Centric Enterprise Services (NCES) required to support Net-Centric operations. The Global Information Grid (GIG) Bandwidth Expansion (GIG-BE) will increase terrestrial communications capacity, the Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) will provide interoperable wireless communications by users of programmable radios, and the Transformational Communications Satellite (TSAT) will make high bandwidth information sources available to DoD Edge Users. Horizontal Fusion provides access via the MARS Portal to the Collateral (information) Space where users across DoD retrieve web-enabled data, services, and tools. In a single search, Collateral Space users can retrieve operational and intelligence data via a virtual federation of physically dispersed data stores. Users also can access a number of browser-based “sense-making” tools to mission-tailor data to meet operational information needs.The Horizontal Fusion FY-03 Portfolio is a collection of 13 initiatives. Each Initiative represents a strategic investment in future Net-Centric capabilities that will empower DoD Edge Users. The FY-03 Horizontal Fusion Net-Centric objectives are directed at enhancing battlespace situational awareness, thus enabling superior decisionmaking and speed of command. Horizontal Fusion will jump-start proven Net-Centric capabilities into the operational baseline.Alrighty, then. Perfectly clear. :-) :-) :-) So let me see if I can translate this public web site from Pentagonese into English. Here we go!
Horizontal Fusion is the Pentagon's latest program to better connect soldiers in the field with their commanders and with battlefield information. This new program collects several smaller programs together under one management team. We'll be increasing communications capacity with faster ground-based networks, setting common standards for field radios to work together, and we'll link back via satellite to command centers. We'll make the mountain of information we have stored in thousands of computers more easily searchable from a common web page. And we'll allow soldiers and commanders to create personal web pages, so they can focus better on their own responsibilities without having to wade through extra menus.We should have been doing all these things for years, since they're all common sense. Hopefully Congress can get their heads around a single name like Horizontal Fusion so that we won't have thousands of separate pet projects to manage any more. But we'll put all the buzzwords in, just to make everyone on Capitol Hill feel like part of the team.So which version do you like better? :-)