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US military kills six Afghan children in new atrocity

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Aidoneus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-13-03 12:07 AM
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US military kills six Afghan children in new atrocity
US military kills six Afghan children in new atrocity
By David Walsh
13 December 2003

US forces killed six children and two adults when they attacked a farm compound in Afghanistan’s eastern Paktia province December 5. The eight people were sleeping when American troops launched an air and ground assault in the middle of the night, knocking down a wall and crushing them. The compound allegedly contained a cache of weapons.

The attack on the mud-walled village was part of Operation Avalanche, aimed at tracking down Taliban and other anti-government forces. This operation, launched December 2 and involving 2,000 US troops, is the largest since the overthrow of the Taliban regime two years ago.

Nine children died December 6 during a US air attack on Ghazni province, 100 miles southwest of Kabul, Afghanistan’s capital. American military officials have now acknowledged that the target of the deadly raid, Mullah Wazir, was probably not present at the time. According to villagers, the man thought to be Wazir and killed in the attack was a local laborer who had just returned from Iran.

The ostensible target of the raid in Paktia province was Mullah Jalani, a local commander. The US military alleges that Jalani, who had apparently left the area days before, is an associate of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar—a former prime minister who has aligned himself with anti-government forces—and has been involved in attacks on US-led coalition forces.

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begruntled Donating Member (11 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-13-03 01:04 AM
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1. the American populace
seems illy uninformed regarding much of what is going on in the world. Reporting on Afghanistan has taken a back seat to what for the purposes of this post I will call the reporting on Iraq. In other words, from the perspective of the American mainstream populace, I will give a guess that Afghanistan is not the utmost issue on the minds of most Americas. I will take a stab at what is on the minds of most Americas.

I would assume that his assassination policy is not tactic reserved for Iraq. It is clear to me mainstream is not reporting responsibility on any of the war stagings since 9/11 and I have come across articles to suggest that even goes for the US casuality count in both Afghanistan and Iraq, where I have read fatality numbers that are exhorbantly higher than those that have been reported in the mainstream.

I read articles along these lines from either Afghanistan or Iraq and can not help wondering how is this going on? It can not be that to apprehend or assassinate one person that this should regularly also include the senseless murder of such a high number of innocent lives, and that it does moreso than I myself would like to read, in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Palestine, I can not help but ponder the existence of underlying agendas of depopulation, or if not depopulation an utter disregard for human life.

Even as I write this I realize that none of this is new, particularly since the invasion of Iraq has inspired a revisiting of Vietnam and that is only ONE other geographic area wherein a large number of innocent lives were rendered senselessly expendable. I can not help feeling repulsed at how underinformed Americans are and how utterly clueless this makes them regarding the cost of what seems to be our dwindling liberty, and they seem even clueless regarding that as well.

It seems to me that to think these "executive actions" in foreign lands has anything remotely to do with nation building or exporting "democracy" seems to me absurd. If not a calculated and deceptive misconception of American propaganda that in the most nefarious sense continues to mask the most sublime totalitarian escapade both here in America and most outwardly apparent in our current war stagings.

Whom it is that are the current targets of our assassin, the US has themselves created in war games of the past. The taliban exists because of US. Between the high amount of privatization of war (civilian war profiteers on the ground testing advanced weaponry who stand outside the adherence of international law), and the corporatization of American government, along with the dense propaganda that passes as our news; America is on a very slippery slope. Not that this has not been the reality for quite some time, but as redundant as the question is: when will America wake up and how much time do we have before it is to late?
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kalian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-13-03 10:01 AM
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2. But remember....
our advisors are the Israelis...and the Israelis are expert
"assassins" know, they drop a bomb in the middle of a
neighborhood to get one guy...and kill 10 kids.... :eyes:
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