17 Dec 2003 18:34:42 GMT
Lebanon clerics to sue Saddam for rights abuses
By Lin Noueihed
BEIRUT, Dec 17 (Reuters) - A group of Lebanese clerics said on Wednesday they planned to sue Saddam Hussein for torture and imprisonment they said they endured while studying Shi'ite Islam in Saddam's Iraq.
"Lebanese clerics who were harmed by Saddam Hussein's crimes have decided to file a lawsuit against the deposed Iraqi president and demand the fate of missing Lebanese clerics and other innocent people be revealed," Shi'ite Muslim cleric Sheikh Afif al-Nabulsi said in a statement.
"In a personal capacity, we also decided to sue the deposed Iraqi president...for what he committed in torture and imprisonment without charge against us," said Nabulsi, who heads a committee of Shi'ite clerics in southern Lebanon.
Nabulsi did not say how many clerics planned to sue.
http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L1754451.htmI remember reading of this person before; Hizbullah leader in Nabatiyah, once put a bounty on the head of that despicable racist Ovadia Yousef after one of his typical "annihilate the Arabs!" speeches--unfortunately, he seemed to have set the reward too low. Many of their people and peers were tortured and killed by Saddam's agents while going through their education & studies in Najaf, seeing Saddam fished out of a dirty hole must've been interesting for them.