How long till Chavez's policies of bringing Venezuela's oil wealth to the people ruffles the WH's feathers into action? "Fortunately for Chavez and his poor majority, good press from America doesn’t seem all that necessary. The former paratrooper seems to have some kind of guardian angel keeping him up there in Miraflores Palace. Time and time again he has emerged victorious despite the half-baked efforts at opposition by Venezuela's industrial and media oligarchs and their “consultants” from U.S. intelligence.
The bottom line fact is Chavez is still the president because the 80 percent poor majority wants it that way, period. The nation’s vastly outnumbered rich kids and tired American spooks like Otto Reich don’t seem to have the juice to displace someone with Chavez’s kind of energy and overwhelming popular support.
Bear in mind, however, that at the rate the U.S. war machine is moving, “intervention” in a future Venezuelan “crisis,” like maybe another coup against Chavez, is definitely not a far-fetched notion.
Another important bottom line to always keep in mind when discussing Venezuela is that black lifeblood of the modern world — oil. Chavez is at the helm of a nation that is one of America’s top suppliers. So, similar to relations with the Middle East, the U.S. government and its Big Oil sponsors have a serious economic stake in Venezuelan politics.
The “sp-oil-s” of President Dubya’s conquest of Iraq, which along with Iran and Saudi Arabia holds the bulk of Earth’s remaining usable oil reserves, may take some of the heat off Chavez for now, but only time will reveal the answer to that kind of speculation game. "