Syria takes part in first Session of Committee on Women
More than 250 women ministers and chairpersons and members of national committees and councils, as well as experts in women`s issues representing governmental and non-governmental organizations, from Bahrain, Egypt, Palestine, the Syrian Arab Republic, Jordan, Sudan, Kuwait, Qatar, Iraq, Yemen, Tunisia, Oman, Morocco and Lebanon were convened recently by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission (ESCWA) participated in the 1st Session of its Committee on Woman held at the UN House Beirut. The Islamic Republic of Iran was represented by Ms. Zahra Shoja`i, Advisor to the Head of State and Chairperson of the Centre for Women. SyriaTimes þ
Economy þ
9-1-2004 þ
summary: More than 250 women ministers and chairpersons and members of national committees and councils, as well as experts in women`s issues representing governmental and non-governmental organizations, from Bahrain, Egypt, Palestine, the Syrian Arab Republic, Jordan, Sudan, Kuwait, Qatar, Iraq, Yemen, Tunisia, Oman, Morocco and Lebanon were convened recently by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission (ESCWA) participated in the 1st Session of its Committee on Woman held at the UN House Beirut. The Islamic Republic of Iran was represented by Ms. Zahra Shoja`i, Advisor to the Head of State and Chairperson of the Centre for Women. þ
The meeting reviewed and assessed the achievements made in the status of Arab women ten years after the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995. þ
Speaking at the opening session were: Ms. Wariara Mbugua, Senior Social Affairs Officer, representing Ms. Angela King, Special Advisor on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women, Ms. Mervat Tallawy, Executive Secretary of ESCWA as well as Ms. Lahoud. þ
In her message addressed to the Session, Ms. King said that the creation of the ESCWA Committee on Women came at a particularly appropriate time, adding that the coming year would be critical in laying the foundation for the 2005 review and appraisal of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, and the Outcome Document of the 23rd Special Session of the General Assembly, Beijing + 5. þ
Syria takes part in first Session of Committee on Women