How do these folks get away with saying that any Dem believes the terrorist threat is ended? But hey - these folks at the times found Bush on top of Everest looking down on the Dems! ?? From the New York Times ' Bumiller and Stevenson write that the president "presented the nation with a choice between his continued leadership and a return to the 'dangerous illusion' that the threat had ended." He used the word "war" at least 10 times and asserted, "Because of American leadership and resolve, the world is changing for the better." strategy that balanced compassionate appeals to swing voters on issues like the economy, health care and education with other issues popular with the conservative base he wants to rally...., portraying himself as the national paterfamilias, fighting to protect the American way. "These institutions, these unseen pillars of civilization, must remain strong in America, and we will defend them." -Accordingly, he vowed to fight efforts by "activist judges" to define marriage as anything but the union of a man and a woman, and he called for new legislation barring discrimination in the awarding of federal grants and contracts to religion-based institutions that provide social services. He pledged a doubling of federal money for abstinence education in schools and modest new amounts for school drug testing "as a tool to save children's lives." Mr. Bush portrayed himself as the best defender of American interests, from tax cuts at home to terrorism abroad.
And he reminded his listeners, and his Democratic rivals, that he begins this election year conspicuously atop the political equivalent of Everest, while the men who would replace him are scrambling in the foothills of the White Mountains. Mr. Bush spoke like a man who is headed to the Moon and Mars, while the Democrats are headed to Manchester, N.H.