(228 was the Guo Ming Dong's Holocaust on Taiwanese Citizens:
http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/3307/ )
The Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) said yesterday that the party will mobilize 200,000 people to take part in a "1 million hand-in-hand" campaign scheduled for Feb. 28.
TSU Chairman Huang Chu-wen (???), presided yesterday over a meeting to coordinate the campaign, discussing with party officials how to rally supporters and what role the party should play.
Former president Lee Teng-hui (???) will serve as the convener of the "1 million hand-in-hand" campaign.
Huang said the campaign, the "peace referendum" and defense of "the local regime" on election day, March 20, were the three major goals of the TSU this year.
The TSU regards Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Chairman Lien Chan (??) and People First Party Chairman James Soong (???), both born in China, as "aliens."
http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2004/01/29/2003096618(Wow, I didn't know they were born in China. This brings up very very very serious legal issues! Lien and Soong should NOT be issued Taiwan Passports because they were born in China. They should be issued Communist China Passports! If they are not eligible for Taiwan Passports than they are NOT Taiwan Citizens. If they are NOT Taiwan Citizens how can they hold political office in Taiwan? How, who issued them Taiwan passports and Taiwan IDs? I read many stories were a foreigner has a baby in Taiwan but the previous Gou Ming Dong government kicked them out of Taiwan. Even Taiwanese who married a foreigner, the foreigner could stay in Taiwan as a citizen. So how can the Taiwan law be so strict on citizenship but allow Lien and Soong to maintain Taiwan Citizenship?)