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A global alliance against terror?

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GabysPoppy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-10-04 01:19 AM
Original message
A global alliance against terror?

Last Friday's Moscow subway bombing, which killed 39 people and wounded over 130, has inspired some in Israel to ask a question much debated in the months following September 11: Faced with mounting casualties and overwhelming evidence of radical Islam's global ambitions, isn't it merely a matter of time before world leaders recognize Israel as an ally and role model in the approaching clash of civilizations with the Muslim world?

Unfortunately, the answer is no.
While September 11 helped Americans understand and empathize with Israel's plight, several years of increasing terrorist activity in Europe have yielded little support from governments historically hostile towards Israel. In fact, Israel is not likely ever to get any meaningful support from traditional European critics like Russia, and Israeli leaders should think twice about soliciting an alliance of convenience with Moscow simply because it is fighting a common enemy.

However closely Russia's current battle against terrorism mirrors the Israeli experience, Russia and Israel are embroiled in two very separate wars with fundamentally different objectives.

Israel is fighting for survival against a massive Palestinian terror infrastructure, based largely outside Israel and backed by a regional axis of Muslim states. Its security can only be assured by a region-wide settlement that dismantles not only Palestinian terrorist organizations but also Arab dictatorships that have sponsored terror for decades.

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mmm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-10-04 01:44 AM
Response to Original message
1. Israel must pull out of ALL occupied territories.
Then, and only then, can her motives and intent be re-examined.

Palestinian raids (perhaps we should call them 'peace raids')
will not stop until Israel has pulled out of ALL
occupied territories. We all know this. Clinton proposed this
but Israel would have none of it.
If Israel intends to continue to illegally occupy land and
built-out, we --you and I-- must work with united diligence to
bring a total and immediate halt to US aid to Israel.
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GabysPoppy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-10-04 01:56 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. "Peace raids"?
What should we call suicide bombers? The Welcome Wagon with a bang.

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Jim Sagle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-10-04 02:05 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. The "peace raids" will be stopped by the Peace Fence.
The Peace Fence...making the world a better place, one brick at a time.
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