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Wed Jun-09-04 11:22 PM Original message |
What is China's beef with Chen? |
By Sushil Seth
Thursday, Jun 10, 2004,Page 8 Why is China so angry with President Chen Shui-bian (???)? Because he is not delivering Taiwan on a platter. Otherwise he appears quite reasonable, even from a Chinese viewpoint. For instance, in his recent inauguration address he scrupulously avoided the question of independence for Taiwan. He simply sought Beijing's cooperation "to guarantee there will be no unilateral change to the status quo in the Taiwan Strait." Indeed, he hasn't ruled out "any possibility, For all his efforts at moderation, Beijing has branded his "provocative pro-independence activities http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/edit/archives/2004/06/10/2003174509 -------------- Jackie 'Whore' Chan is a Communist Puppet! Senior DPP figure gets in a tangle over Jackie Chan http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2004/04/23/2003137723 Jackie Chan Rips Taiwan's Election TAIPEI, Taiwan - Hong Kong film star Jackie Chan (news) said Sunday that Taiwan's recent presidential election was "the biggest joke in the world." http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20040329/ap_en_mo/people_j ... I'm putting the WORLD on notice. This is how Fascism, Communism, Brutal Regimes, Nazis, Hitlers rise. The use of immoral instruments masquerading as moral/just people. Chan, speaking from Communist China and bashing Democracy! This is as laughable as Trent Lott saying aWol got more votes. Jackie 'Whore' didn't mention that there are no elections in China but its obviously the most corrupt and murderous regime on the planet. Where government officials falsely convict citizens, execute them and sell their body parts for cash. Honk Kong has no ability to vote for its leader either. And the Communists are trying daily to take away ALL rights of Hong Kong citizens. I was in Hong Kong when the first Chinese astronaut went on tour in Hong Kong. Who was there as the Communist mouth piece? Jackie 'Whore'. Not only did I read in the Hong Kong newspapers, I spoke to many Hong Kong citizens questioning why Jackie 'Whore' was playing the puppet for the Communists. So many people felt this way, Jackie 'Whore' went on a TV 'attack dog tour' (like Condi Lice is doing now), to try to salvage his reputation. He just kept saying, 'We are all Chinese that's why I do it.' Everyone I spoke to, and also saw personally on HK TV interviews of people standing in line, (The space capsule was put on display at the Space Center next to Kowloon Star Ferry), the Hong Kong people said, 'I don't care about seeing Yang Liwei, astronaunt, I only want to see the space capsule.' Most all HK people were really pissed at Jackie 'Whore' for his actions. Many said he's a traitor. ---------------------- You've got to look at this honestly people! Everyone stop and look what's go-in down! There isn't an official/knowledgable person in the world who'd say Taiwan's election procedures aren't the fairest in the world. The people protesting, in Taiwan, are all the Fascists Mainland Chinese who invaded Taiwan in 1949. They are about the most corrupt group on Earth, have been stealing money from Taiwan since 1949 but now no longer have an easy method to steal. The KMT Party is the richest political party in the world. How did they get this money? Assassination attempt. Is Jackie 'Whore' willing to take a bullet in the stomach while riding in a Jeep? The investigation is on going but Jackie 'Whore' knows what happened? You can read just about anywhere the near certainty of ALL Hong Kong media stars being part of the Hong Kong Mafia. Which I would assume has now been taken over by the Communist Chinese Government. ps. I'll never watch a Jackie 'Whore' movie again! ------- The Robert F. Kennedy of Asia, President Chen Shui Bian (Abian) http://www.president.gov.tw (Taiwanese) http://www.president.gov.tw/index_e.html (English) http://www.scanews.com/collester/article3/article3.html The book that built the Lien family. Just when the family assets of Lien Chen-tung and his son Lien Chan became a hot election campaign issue, a dissertation written by academic Lin Yuan-huei. The 30,000-character paper tells the reader that, during the era of Japanese occupation, both Lien Heng and Lien Chen-tung worked for a pro-Japanese newspaper. It also tells how Lien Heng eulogized the colonizers in poems. http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/edit/archives/2004/02/06/2003097679 "Since last year, the pan-blue camp has carried out numerous campaign activities in China, all in violation of Chinese law. However, not only did the Chinese government fail to put a stop to these activities, instead it allowed and even supported their activities," said DPP campaign headquarters spokesman Wu Nai-jen (???). http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2004/02/10/2003098164 More than 60 percent of Taiwan's people believe China's authorities are hostile to the country's government while over 40 percent consider the hostility targeted at Taiwan's population, the Mainland Affairs Council said yesterday after reviewing 80 polls conducted on cross-strait relations last year. http://www.etaiwannews.com/Taiwan/2004/02/10/1076377991.htm "It is an embezzlement case with top KMT officials involved. Whoever can control the project has to be someone with a minister status or higher. We should find out who made the decisions back then," Chang said. http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2004/02/13/2003098519 Lee said that the people of Taiwan need to shrug off the mentality of being a "long-term laborer" after being ruled by the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) for half a century, and take up the responsibility of being the master of their own country. http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2004/02/09/2003098044 Taiwan's Chen Defends Move on Referendum (Los Angeles Times - free register) http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-chen8feb08,1,5010944.story?coll=la-headlines-world Liu Yan Chun grew up in Taiwan firmly believing that her family would someday go back to mainland China. It took most of her life to realize that there would be no triumphant return, as envisioned by the Nationalists when they retreated (Edit: this word should be INVADED Formosa which they renamed to Taiwan.) to Taiwan after defeat by the Chinese Communists in 1949. It took her longer still to realize that she had no desire to return. http://www.msnbc.com/news/315530.asp 007 James Bond - Sean Connery says President Chen is his hero! http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/edit/archives/2003/11/06/2003074804 First lady's European tour seen as diplomatic success http://www.etaiwannews.com/Taiwan/2003/07/24/1059010376.htm Assassination Attempt Chen's wife, you know, was at a time an even more strident crusader than he was for the rights of the Taiwanese and the DPP. In 1985 she was rammed over three times by a truck and was crippled, and the driver was never found despite the fact that there were witnesses. Most Taiwanese believe _ that it was a botched KMT assassination attempt. And Chen has to go home every night and see her sitting in a wheelchair because of it. It's not an easy thing to shake. http://www.time.com/time/asia/marketqa/2000/03/20 / Accident or assassination attempt? One account claims the driver, described in press reports at the time as a "simple peasant with a steady job and a fixed residence, Chang Jung-tsai" was driving an "illegally assembled truck" down the narrow street where Mrs. Chen was standing. Witnesses said Chang purposefully hit Mrs. Chen. They insisted that the driver reportedly exclaimed "Oh, she's not dead yet" before backing up and running over her again to ensure maximum injury if not death. http://www.chinaonline.com/refer/biographies/secure/chenshuibian.asp From poverty to power: Chen Shui-bian's rise to the presidency http://www.chinaonline.com/refer/biographies/secure/chenshuibian.asp (Ex President) Lee says pro-unification forces to blame for SARS outbreak http://www.etaiwannews.com/Taiwan/2003/05/19/1053309473.htm Ex-KMT mayor gets 7-year sentence (He should be forced to pay back the money he stole OR buy every person in Taiwan a kayak!) http://www.etaiwannews.com/Taiwan/2004/01/21/1074621047.htm Young voters supportive of Chen, poll says http://www.etaiwannews.com/Taiwan/2004/01/21/1074620716.htm Chen gains 55% approval rating, survey shows (The come back kid!) (Someone send me an Abian doll!) http://www.etaiwannews.com/Taiwan/2004/01/21/1074620504.htm Taiwan's Chen Defends Move on Referendum Calling Taiwan a free and sovereign country, President Chen Shui-bian defended his decision to call a referendum on relations with mainland China and rejected international concerns that the move was a provocation that endangered the uneasy peace in the Taiwan Strait. http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-chen8feb08,1,5010944.story?coll=la-headlines-world http://www.etaiwannews.com/Taiwan/2004/02/09/1076292171.htm DPP decries Soong's proposal (Soong and Lien are mainland pigs.) http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2003/06/15/2003055308 The TSU regards Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Chairman Lien Chan (??) and People First Party Chairman James Soong (???), both born in China, as "aliens." (Wow, I didn't know they were born in China. This brings up very very very serious legal issues! Lien and Soong should NOT be issued Taiwan Passports because they were born in China. They should be issued Communist China Passports! If they are not eligible for Taiwan Passports then they are NOT Taiwan Citizens. If they are NOT Taiwan Citizens how can they hold political office in Taiwan? How, who issued them Taiwan passports and Taiwan IDs? I read many stories were a foreigner has a baby in Taiwan but the previous Gou Ming Dong government kicked them out of Taiwan. Even Taiwanese who married a foreigner, the foreigner could NOT stay in Taiwan as a citizen. So how can the Taiwan law be so strict on citizenship but allow Lien and Soong to maintain Taiwan Citizenship?) http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2004/01/29/2003096618 Ma's democratic credentials queried. Ma, Guo Ming Dong's (KMT) Pig Puppet Mayor http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2004/01/29/2003096609 DPP says KMT should apologize for buying votes (Apologize? Put the scum in jail!) http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2003/11/23/2003076933 KMT (Pig) rebel blasts party's voting order http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2003/06/02/2003053622 Recent poll shows satisfication with government, Chen http://www.etaiwannews.com/Taiwan/2003/05/17/1053136494.htm Former hospital chief under fire (SARS spreader) Wu was the superintendent of Taipei Municipal Jen Ai when President Chen Shui-bian was Taipei mayor, but he was fired over allegations of corruption in an equipment purchase scandal. When Ma Ying-jeou (KMT Pig) was elected mayor, he invited Wu back and made him the superintendent of Hoping. http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2003/05/13/205762 The ‘New Taiwan Person’ Centuries ago, the island had an aboriginal culture of Malay and Polynesian descent. In the 17th century, the Dutch and Portuguese had colonies here, and the imported Chinese laborers — all men — intermarried with locals, forming the basis of the majority of today’s population. According this version of history, it was only in 1887 that China declared Taiwan a part of its territory in an effort to stem Japanese expansionism, say independence activists. But when that failed, China ceded Taiwan to Japan in perpetuity. The Japanese held Taiwan for 50 years, until their defeat in World War II. In the years immediately after, Allied Forces backed Chiang Kai-shek’s temporary occupation of Taiwan. But according to pro-independence legal experts, the Nationalists never had a legal basis to stay. “In 1949, Taiwan did not “split off from China”, but was occupied by the losing side in the Chinese Civil War,” according to a 1999 white paper endorsed by 18 overseas Taiwanese associations. http://www.msnbc.com/news/316717.asp?cp1=1 Premier's performance satisfies public, poll says http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2003/08/01/2003061799 Chirac sold out to PRC for commerce, says Lu Taiwan VP Vice President Annette Lu (???) declared that French President Jacques Chirac had "sold out the national character and spirit of France" by opposing Taiwan's planned peace referendum Monday during a visit to Paris by People's Republic of China State Chairman Hu Jintao (???). http://www.etaiwannews.com/Taiwan/2004/01/29/1075343350.htm Billions Embezzled In China (Like Communist Chinese like KMT. What’s the difference between a Communist Chinese and a Guo Ming Dong Chinese? Answer:Nothing) Audits aimed at ferreting out corruption in China uncovered $8 billion in misused or embezzled funds and widespread irregularities that produced "serious losses" of state assets, the government said Friday. Auditors investigated 130,000 state businesses and offices last year as part of the communist leadership's campaign against the pervasive graft that has soured public faith in the government. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/01/30/world/main596944.shtml Protest staged over KMT assets Forging ahead with a campaign to exert pressure on the Kuomintang to return swathes of its financial and property holdings to the state, local activists yesterday staged a protest in front of the former ruling party's headquarters demanding it hand over allegedly 'ill-gotten' assets. Members of the Alliance to Campaign for Rectifying the Name of Taiwan brandishing leaflets entitled 'Returning KMT Party Assets' yesterday morning converged on the Chinese Nationalist Party headquarters, downtown Taipei and called on KMT Chairman Lien Chan (??) along with other party staff to vacate the building. http://www.etaiwannews.com/Taiwan/2004/01/29/1075343998.htm Taiwan's democracy has need of America http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/edit/archives/2004/01/29/2003096653 Chinese army preparing large-scale military exercises aimed at Taiwan BEIJING, (AFP) - China is gearing-up for large-scale military wargames aimed at "taking control of the Taiwan Strait", with 18,000 troops and the amphibious landing of a tank brigade. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/040601/photos_ts_wl_afp/040601073707_3wk987jc_photo0 AFP/File Photo The exercises were to take place in June and July on Dongshan Island in southeastern Fujian province just 150 nautical miles west of Taiwan's Penghu Island, the New Express Daily said, citing a pro-Beijing Hong Kong newspaper. China has become increasingly agitated with independence-leaning Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian, and the report referred to the exercises as the first-ever aimed at "striving to control the Taiwan Strait." The 18,000 soldiers will be deployed from the land, navy and air force of the Nanjing Military Region, where some 500 short-range ballistic missiles are pointed at Taiwan. "Sukoi Su-27 fighter jets will be outfitted with KN59M guided air-to-surface missiles in an effort to maintain control over the Taiwan Strait and ensure that tank brigades can make a landing and engage in warfare," the report said. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=1503&ncid=2069&e=1&u=/afp/20040601/ts_afp/china_taiwan KMT youth urge Lien to spare them any favors By Huang Tai-lin STAFF REPORTER Wednesday, Jun 02, 2004,Page 1 Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Chairman Lien Chan (??) is too much of an embarrassment for many younger members of his party, who say they would rather not be associated with the three-time election loser. "How can you embark on a `thanksgiving and unity tour' when you don't work to unite party headquarters first?" said Chiu Teh-hung (???), organizer of a group of young party members calling itself the "Blue Eagle Warriors" (????). KMT spokesman Alex Tsai (???) announced on Monday that Lien, 68, was planning a tour of central and southern Taiwan this month to thank supporters and drum up support for KMT candidates in the year-end legislative elections. http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2004/06/02/2003157897 Taiwanese VP asks world support against possible attack by China SAN JOSE (AFP) - Taiwanese Vice President Lu Hsiu-lien asked for international support for her island against a possible attack from mainland China, saying Beijing posed an "imminent danger" to Taiwan. "Taiwan has been fighting alone for 50 years to protect itself against this possible invasion," she told a press conference on the second day of an official visit to Costa Rica, part of a three-country Central American tour. "Today," she said, "we need the world to give us a hand so that this threat does not become reality." Lu Hsiu-lien said China has been expanding its military power and at the moment it has along its eastern coast "more than 600 missiles aimed at Taiwan," a number she said could be increased to 800 to 1,000 next year. The missiles, she said, pose an "imminent danger," not only to Taiwan, but to "the entire Asia-Pacific region." China "puts on an outwardly peaceful mask" but in reality "is developing massive power in many areas," said the Taiwanese vice president. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=1530&ncid=2069&e=1&u=/... KMT must return its media to the public The Campaign for Media Reform is a local media monitoring group Monday, Jun 07, 2004,Page 8 The media have reported that the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) intends to sell all its media businesses as a single package for about NT$8 billion. These media businesses include Chinese Television Company, Ltd (CTV), Broadcasting Corporation of China, the Central Daily News and the Central Motion Pictures Corporation. Private enterprises such as Eastern Multimedia Corp and Chinatrust Group have shown their interest in the deal. As a media reform group, Campaign for Media Reform is strongly disappointed with the KMT's handling of its party-run media businesses. http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/edit/archives/2004/06/07/2003174131 |
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Thu Jun-10-04 12:31 PM Response to Original message |
1. Chen is a smart adversary, there is no bigger "crime". |
If Taiwan successfully resists Chinese pressure, it sets a very
"bad" example from Beijing's point of view; there are several other parts of the Chinese empire that already have ideas of their own too, and then there is the problem in Hong Kong. |
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Fri Jun-11-04 04:02 PM Response to Original message |
2. You are joking right? |
This is hillarious. Why doesn't China like the leader of Taiwan? Hmmm. I don't know. Why didn't Hitler like Churchill?
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