"(CBS) By David Paul Kuhn,
CBSNews.com Chief Political Writer
President Bush has worked well with friends and poorly with allies, it could be said. But this June, from the shores of Normandy to Sea Island, Georgia, Mr. Bush is making concessions in an effort to bring the old friends, of Old Europe, back to the side of U.S. foreign policy.
Publicly, it's working...
...But in the corridors of the United Nations, people are skeptical, if not downright displeased, with current U.S. efforts to revive relations...
...Although they will not say it for attribution, those randomly interviewed want Americans to deny Mr. Bush four more years in office. They expect a rekindling of diplomacy, of statesmanship, if Sen. John Kerry becomes president. They have lost all trust in the Bush administration.
'This administration has totally disregarded many longstanding rules and approaches to international affairs and therefore the administration has given its back to its own allies, particularly in Europe,' said one senior European U.N. envoy..."