the Pentagon: Defense Spending Map As former Department of Defense analyst Chuck Spinney suggests in NOW's "Inside the Pentagon," there is a third element in the financial equation termed "the military industrial complex" by President Eisenhower. That element is Congress — representatives are tasked with bringing federal business into their districts and to their constituents.
The Federal Procurement Data Center (FPDC)'s Web site keeps track of federal contracts over $25,000. The Executive departments and agencies award over $200 billion annually for goods and services. The system can identify who bought what, from whom, for how much, when and where. You can use the site to see exactly what is bought and paid for in your state, and which contractors are getting the federal dollars.
In all but a handful of states, Department of Defense dollars account for by far the majority of federal dollars. States in which the Department of Energy provides the greatest amount are those which are host to major military research laboratories like Oak Ridge in Tennessee and Los Alamos and Sandia Labs in New Mexico or the atomic testing ranges of Nevada. Check out your state's share below.