By Evelyn Leopold
New York - Eastern Democratic Republic Congo is rapidly turning into one of the world's biggest disasters, with 3,3 million people out of reach of relief groups, including 4 500 malnourished children, a senior United Nations official said.
In preparation for a UN Security Council meeting on Monday on civilians in war zones, Jan Egeland, the emergency relief co-ordinator, said 10 million people in the world were in conflict areas with little access to aid, most of them in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
"Access wise, it is even worse than Darfur in western Sudan, where aid groups recently were permitted to enter," Egeland said in an interview. But he noted relief groups only recently had access to Darfur, where Arab militia have conducted a massive campaign of ethnic cleansing, "so there is a tremendous race against the clock there, too". anyone remember when the WMD/Nigeria lie began to leak and Junior ran and hid in Africa and made his 'Commitment to Africa' speech?
Here's one pic from that tour: