From the Financial Times
By James Harding in Washington
Published: August 7 2003 22:03 | Last Updated: August 7 2003 22:03
President George W. Bush has chosen a businessman who is a personal friend and a leading Republican fundraiser to rescue the failing Iraqi corporate sector.
Thomas C. Foley, a corporate turnround expert based in Connecticut, is due to fly to Baghdad next week to take charge of the privatisation and revival of Iraq's nearly 200 state-owned companies.
The sense that US forces won the war but are losing the peace has eroded US public support for Mr Bush's decision to oust Saddam Hussein by force.
As Mr Bush begins to campaign for re-election on a national security platform, administration officials and Republican strategists are eager to see a marked improvement on the ground in Iraq by the time American citizens go to the polls in just over a year from now.