Hello to all DU'ers,
There are many here who discuss the war in Iraq, the war on terror, and possible wars to come. Of course, such discussion is an absolute right as Americans, and I question NO ONE's right to do so. What I am interested in is how many here have SEEN war up close, not on TV, not read about it, but served and seen what it is really like?
While anyone may have an opinion on this issue, very few Americans really KNOW what it is like, as the percentage of those who have served in combat is small in all services, even the Army. Not everyone who has served or even been "in country" has seen combat action involving risk to life and/or killing, and even those who have are hard pressed to explain it to those who have not.
Anyways, would be interested to hear from any of you out there who have been "in the *hit" as they said in "Full Metal Jacket", either here or on the Vets forum. I do think that we can do our best to get the truth to this board so people may know it, vs media spin.
One thing I in my opinion all vets will agree on is that what Americans see on TV is NOT what it is really like, no matter how you view war. However, PLEASE let no one here think I am wishing or advocating the experience of combat on ANYONE, even warriors....
thanks to all that have served, you are the reason we are free