Interesting twist is that we are building detention facilities in THEIR countries.
Countries where any hope for trial or human rights is gone no matter what our government claims.
Our country's leadership is taking us into territory we formally despised and fought against, as a nation.
Lifetime internment with little to no evidence?
They are kidding...right?
US Said to Mull Lifetime Terror-Suspect Detentions
Sun Jan 2,12:41 AM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Bush administration is preparing plans for possible lifetime detention of suspected terrorists, including hundreds whom the government does not have enough evidence to charge in courts, The Washington Post reported Sunday.
Citing intelligence, defense and diplomatic officials, the newspaper said the Pentagon (news - web sites) and the CIA (news - web sites) had asked the White House to decide on a more permanent approach for those it would not set free or turn over to courts at home or abroad.
As part of a solution, the Defense Department, which holds 500 prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, plans to ask the U.S. Congress for $25 million to build a 200-bed prison to hold detainees who are unlikely to ever go through a military tribunal for lack of evidence, defense officials told the newspaper.
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